Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday Favorites - Holiday Edition

Alright, I am a little behind.  With all of the holiday travel and me being down for the count this past week with a wicked cold, the blog has been the last thing on my mind.  That being said, what better way to ring in the New Year with some Friday Favorites?

  • Graham Jeffrey Stoneking - on December 26th, my brother and sister-in-law added a new addition to their growing family.  Weighing in at 7 pounds, 11 ounces, baby Graham was healthy and happy....with the minor set back of a broken collar bone.  Don't worry, he is doing well and healing just fine!

  • Camera - woohoo!  We needed a new digital camera so desperately and were lucky enough to receive one as a Christmas present. 

  • Verismo - we are definitely in the adjustment phase of figuring out how to purchase the pods in the most convenient and cost effective way possible, but this thing is pretty amazing.  Espresso, Coffee, Lattes.....the possibilities seem endless for what we are looking for.  Plus, you can run the hot water through the system for tea!  So far, we are digging it!

  • Notepad app on iPad - where has this been all my life?  I even love the font.  This is a recently discovered asset, so I am still pretty jazzed about it.

  • NFL Playoffs - Cincinnati squeaked in thanks to the epic fails by Baltimore and Pittsburgh down the stretch.  Hey, I will take it!  This weekend, the Bengals enter the 2013 playoff picture as an actual least in my mind.  Who Dey!

Disclaimer: Hey, blogspot.  How about you fix the kinks in the photo insert capabilities?  Friday Favorites needs access to this in order to successfully be published!  Apologies for the lack of aesthetic luster....

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