Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Rock The Vote

If you are like me and had way too many unavoidable work obligations to find the time to participate in the early voting, today has been on your radar for quite some time.  Requiring the stealthiest of strategies to navigate the crowds, you really do have to have your game face on to conquer the polls alone...

Lucky for me, the voting location in my district is about a block away from my residence.  Phew!  The drawback?  I got there when the polls opened at 6am to make sure I would be dressed and ready to rock n' roll for work immediately after.  As I stood there in line, outside in the cold on this fine Chicago morning, I could not help but think....

"Employers really should be doing a much better job of encouraging their employees to get out there and vote...." 

Political beliefs aside, employers should be clear that they are willing to be a bit more lenient with their employees to ensure everyone who wants the opportunity to have their voice heard is able to do so.  Quite frankly, it is a very simple task - a mindless practice even - to implement in an election year: inform your employees that if they need to come in a little later or leave a little bit early to make sure they are able to get their votes in, by all means....  Seriously, this could not be easier to do.  Unfortunately, I fear that many employers out there either do not care or simply do not choose to do so.  That, I find to be complete bullshit.  

Now let's not twist my words here, I am not saying I think everyone deserves a free day off to vote in the election per se (although, with all of the ridiculous holidays sprinkled throughout the calendar year already, I do not think 1 day every 4 years would kill us....), but I am saying this: employers should be accepting of the fact that the polls can be very time consuming, and if an employee needs an extra hour due to crazy lines and/or a missed train so they can participate in the election - that should NOT be a big deal.  And not only should it not be a big deal, it should be encouraged that this is, in fact, OK.  That the employer understands the situation PRIOR to it becoming an issue and having an employee opt out of the voting process entirely, only because they could not find the time in their work day to make it happen.

So I wonder... How many employers took the time during their Monday morning meetings yesterday to address this point?  Sure, I am confident that there are some companies out there who recognize the importance of getting out there and making sure their votes count.  Sadly, I think the majority would be categorized as the exact opposite, with this topic of discussion never being addressed at all.  Sigh....

Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent...whatever.  That makes no difference...  VOTE.  Do not take for granted this inalienable right.  There are still many  people living throughout the world who continue to fight the battle in hopes of gaining the right to a free election - remember that.  Who are we to turn the other way and disregard this privilege? 

Take pride in the fact that your vote matters and, regardless of the end result, know that you were a valuable contribution to the outcome of the Presidential election.

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