Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday Favorites

T-Zero Countdown App - have you seen this thing?! It is amazing. You can set it to count down to even the second before your plane takes off!

EL Ideas - we have reservations there with friends this weekend. It is supposed to be fun and interactive - I will let you know if they allow me into the kitchen to play sous chef!

Divergent, Insurgent and Allegiant - yep, I'm one of those. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I just read all three of these in about three days in preparation!

Broad City - these girls are just....I don't even know. Hilarious does not even do it justice. Think: female Workaholics.  With Amy Poehler as Executive Producer, how could this possibly be bad?!

Louisville Cardinals - so I did not win my billion dollars as expected, but the Cards are my last glimmer of hope to win some cash in my work bracket pool. This guy has it right:

Remember When I Started A Blog?!

February 14th.  Valentine's Day.  Not of 2014, but 2013 rather. That was the last time I had the slightest interest in posting something on here. Oops! Perhaps lack of interest was not the real issue, but....

.....I have already lost interest in this post.  

See, I think that was the problem all along, right? It is incredibly difficult to come up with fun, new blog posts to keep my three loyal followers entertained when I am not even interested in what I am writing about. So. Much. Pressure.

I enjoy the name of my blog entirely too much to run the risk of having someone steal the domain name if I were to delete it. In an effort to breed success, I have decided I will not give up that easily. Instead, there will be some new "guidelines" implemented.

  • Be Yourself - I always was, but I feel I was often overly cautious with every word I wrote. I definitely wouldn't say I was holding anything back per se, but in the same regard I know I thought way too much about every last detail. I don't know why? You have obsessive compulsive disorder, that's why.  

  • Have A Strategy - Probably my biggest downfall when I started this mess. What the hell am I blogging about?  Truth is, I was blogging without any sense of direction. Not that there needs to be a specific avenue to follow, but there was no underlying theme or topics of interest. So what do I intend to start writing about now? Good question....

  • Write About Things You Care About - Ding, ding, ding!  I love....Food, Travel, Fashion....and some other stuff too - like my Family and Friends, I guess? Why not write about all of them and sprinkle in some personal anecdotes along the way? DONE! 

  • This Is A Hobby, Not An Obligation - I did not set out on this little project to discover a new career path. I did this for no other reason than the fact that I actually just like to write. I was in desperate need of a creative outlet - one that work cannot fulfill - and this was supposed be all in good FUN!

  • So Who Is Ali? - Honestly?  I am a lot of things: Daughter, Wife, Sister, Friend, Mother to a fur child....but mostly? Lover of Life. 

I guess this was a long-winded way of saying, "Welcome back!" I direct this mostly to myself, but I will be so kind as to extend it to the rest of you as well. Cassie, Mom, Dad....Katie (are you there?!) you can all finally stop complaining that I have not posted to my blog in months years.