Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday Favorites

Child Art - Remember when you were a kid and you thought you were the best artist on the planet? Drawing, painting, creating crafts and giving them to family members as gifts - I wish that still worked... For Elli though, she's more of a street artist.

Marriage - This is a joint favorite from last week, which I missed. Happy Anniversary shout outs once again to my husband and I, in addition to my grandparents who are coming in at 60 years strong!

Oiistar Chicago - Tonight we are checking out this new restaurant, which allegedly serves the best ramen in the city. I'm such a sucker for this dish, and have super high expectations, so I may have prematurely listed it as a favorite. We shall see!

Emporium of The Unusual - I'm about to get into this little adventure this weekend. Should be interesting!

Jenny The Dog - Today was a sad day in the Gayler household as Jenny The Dog found her way to doggie heaven. Instead of being a downer, let us celebrate her long puppy life!

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