Thursday, October 30, 2014

ThrowBack Thursday - HalloWEENIES!

As the children (and adult children for that matter) prep themselves for a night full of "fright," it dawned on me that between the newly enforced Trick-or-Treating restrictions and rise in nut allergies, Halloween's survival rate must be plummeting. Right?!

What happened to the days when Halloween activities took place on actual Halloween night, regardless of the day of week? When siblings across America came home to re-group on their living room floors, separating their massive amounts of sugar into categories like only an obsessive compulsive older sibling can advise their younger one to do?

We've all turned into a bunch of HalloWEENIES, that's what has happened! If only there were some sort of societal protector of well-being. A vigilante - or two - that may be able to maintain the chaos....


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