Thursday, October 2, 2014

Throwback Thursday - Happy Fall Y'all!

It is officially October. That means the leaves are changing, football is commencing and lots of pumpkin spice flavored everything!

My brother sent me a picture last weekend of Elli and Graham playing in the leaves. It reminded me of the days when Andrew and I did the exact same thing. Raking the leaves into piles, taking off in a dead sprint only to face plant it right in the middle of all of them. Repeat process until bored...

I love pretty much everything about fall. The clothes are better. The shoes are better. The Bengals usually have a winning record for this portion of the season. And the weather is my favorite, lending itself quite nicely to the best types of foods - tailgate apps, soups, stews, ciders, etc. Comfort foods to the max! 

There is really only one downside to fall... Winter is coming!


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