Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday Favorites

A looooong overdue Friday Favorites, that is!

  • Becoming Parents - Well, sort of.  Do not get too excited, mother, we are not expecting.  We were asked this week to be the God parents to our little nephew, John Daniel Seelbach.  To which we obviously said yes!  We will be heading down to St. Louis the first weekend in November to make it official and all that jazz....

  • Juice Cleanse - I cannot be totally sure that this is a favorite, but we bought a Groupon a few months back and we figured, might as well do it while it is still top of mind.  Plus, we have some blood work coming up next week, so might as well get all of those toxins out of our bodies while we still can!

  • Life Insurance - Sort of goes hand in hand with the juice cleanse, I suppose, but we will be getting our physicals next week so we can get locked in to our life insurance rates.  Yikes!  On the plus side, they come to your house to do your check-up and blood work.  How convenient?!?!

  • Remodeling - We are in the middle of remodeling our bathroom, which is super exciting!  What is not so exciting is that we only have one bathroom.  Wah, wah....  Our condo has looked more like a construction site this week than a home, but we are hoping to have everything wrapped up on Sunday.  Fingers crossed!

  • Chicago Marathon Runners - Good for you guys!  The marathon is this weekend and our friend, Claire, is checking it off of her bucket list before she turns Wednesday!

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