Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday Thought Dump

It has already been one of those  weeks.  So much going on, a lot of nonsense arising on the daily, lots to stress about with upcoming work projects, etc.  So a perfect time for a vent session/thought dump!

The pit of my job?  Dropping everything to tend to high maintenance clients' unnecessary needs.  This afternoon I was asked by a client to drop everything I have going on this week and fly to D.C. on Thursday morning for an event we have been working on for months.  MONTHS.  Make no mistake, it is not the fact that I was asked to attend, that is my job.  It is what I do.  I am happy to oblige.  It is the fact that we have been speaking daily for months and this thought never entered their mind until the 11th hour, despite the multiple mentions of this exact service on my end.  UGH!

Remodeling.  The bathroom looks stellar, but.....I want my damn glass door installed already.  Everything is half finished and it is driving me insane.  We still need to paint, have the glass door enclosure installed (which is happening on Friday, thank God!) and get all of the little details like the toilet paper holder, towel racks, etc. back in order.

Wedding details.  The. Worst. Thing. Ever.  I need my dress shortened, which is fine, took it to the seamstress and they are dealing with it.  Or so I thought.... I now have to go back in today with my shoes to make sure it is the right length.  Admittedly, this is my fault, I should have known this was coming and it makes complete sense.  Except for the fact that I have no idea what shoes I am wearing.... F!

Another pit of my job....Clients who think they know how to do my job better than I do, yet they are CLUELESSSuuuuuuure, you want to draft an LOI and ALSO do an offer and then long-form agreement because you think it will be more efficient, despite my telling you it will create about 15 extra unnecessary steps?  BRILLIANT.

...........seriously, is it Friday yet?!

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