Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Favorites

  • Olivia's Wedding Palooza - I am heading back to my hometown this weekend to celebrate with one of my closest friends.  She will be tying the knot on Sunday!  Downside?  I am standing up in the to an actual super model.  Blah!

  • Get Yo' Hair Did - I love having my hair done.  In any capacity - a trim, a shampoo, someone brushing it, you name it.....  I love it.  If I could have access to one celebrity lifestyle item on the daily, it would be a hair and make-up team!  Ahhh, to dream.  So in short, I am really looking forward to having my hair done on Sunday!

  • Cleaning Out The Fridge - B has been out of town all week, and we will also be out of town all weekend, so I invited a friend over last night and had my way with some pinterest recipes I had been meaning to try.  It was the perfect exercise in cleaning out the veggies and various food items that would have otherwise gone bad over the weekend!

  • CAA Football - LOVE these guys.  They are so nice - they sent me two tickets to the MNF game here in Chicago (Bears vs. Lions) as "thanks" for the recent deal we closed with Megatron!  Best. Agents. Ever!

  • Bathroom Completion - I had to include this, because I previously expressed my irritation earlier this week, in addition to how excited I was that the end was near.  So, you probably remember that it was supposed to be finalized today, right?  Well, it was not.  Of course, the glass was scratched when it arrived from the manufacturer!  FML.  So now, the new installation date is Tuesday.  Fingers crossed, everyone, please!

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