So here I am, day two of blogging. So much has changed, except for the fact that it has not at all. I have told only a few people about the blog - maybe three? I figure that is a big enough audience to start out with while I get my feet wet and try to get the hang of things.
For anyone who is in need of having their asses handed to them, start a blog. It is the most humbling experience to know there is no one in this world who gives a shit about what you have to say except yourself. Yet here I am....typing away. I mean, I have to please my three "fans" right? I cannot let them down. FINALLY! I can now appreciate and understand the pressures that Lindsay and Britney must have been under for so many years before they went off the deep end. Such a slippery slope....
The good news is that I am already so much more cognizant and observant of my surroundings. I feel like a real journalist or something - looking for the next "big" story. I even found myself eavesdropping on a woman who - albeit very loudly - was talking on her cell phone on the train this morning. I caught the tail end of the conversation and could not quite figure out whether it was a dog that was dying or if it were an actual human being that she simply disliked. She lacked any emotion whatsoever, so it really could have gone either way.
All kidding aside, so far this has been so much fun! I know I am only two posts deep, but forcing myself to learn something I knew basically nothing about has been a nice change of pace and I hope to learn even more as I go. I also plan to challenge myself to produce content that will be interesting and keep me - and hopefully others - coming back for more. I have a lot of ideas jotted down, but do not want to blow my wad all at once.
So stay with me is about to get a lot more interesting!
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