Thursday, July 26, 2012

CP, Are You With Me?!

It is that time of year again.  The period between May/June and August weddings where there is finally a lull in the summer, when we realize we can finally relax a bit from all of the summer travel obligations and plan some fun excursions of our own.  The time where a group of us intensely plan a trip out east.  And in this moment, east no longer refers to NYC or the east coast, but rather...Sandusky, Ohio!

That's right people, Sandusky.  Home of one of the greatest places on earth, Cedar Point.  I have to admit, I am biased towards Kings Island, having grown up in the Cincinnati area.  It is for the same reason I also hold the firm belief that nothing with such close proximity to Cleveland could possibly be better.  That said, I was pleasantly surprised and can honestly say there may be a chance that present day Cedar Point probably does rival present day Kings Island; however, Paramount's Kings Island from "back in the day" is still #1 in my heart - forever and always!

In other news - looks like both CP and KI have made headlines this week as both were named the most popular amusement parks in the United States!  Now you can see why a trip of this nature is a must have on anyone's annual to do list....

This year, 10 of us are making the trip.  And because we are older, wiser and, above all, wealthier, we took it upon ourselves to pay an extra $50 each to purchase a Fast Lane pass.  In other words, we paid extra money so we can cut everyone in line and not be reprimanded for doing so.  THAT HAPPENED!

Aside from the obvious adventure and fun, there are a few rules we do try to abide by while on this journey - they are as follows:
  • Chain restaurants only - this most often includes: Cracker Barrel, Steak & Shake and, our favorite, Outback Steakhouse!  I wish I were kidding, but we feel this is truly part of the "Ohio experience" - I am allowed to say that, because I was made in Ohio.  If anyone else does, it will be deemed offensive.

  • Fit in with the locals - this means your attire at any given moment must include at least one of the following pieces: fanny pack, jorts (jean shorts), any form of tank top (preferably with stains or tears) with a swim suit top under it, visible arm tattoo (preferably barbwire or significant other's name), bandanna and/or any showcase of patriotism by way of: American flag, eagle or Harley Davidson.

  • Chick-Fil-A and Dip n' Dots - these are both important components of the complete "in-park" experience!

  • Do not be afraid to represent - I know we will be in Sandusky, but it is close enough...Cleveland sucks!  Let's not let them think we are blinded by the greatness that Cedar Point has to offer (See Cincinnati gear below).

  • Always have an even number.  Otherwise, you will be forced to implement a rotation policy or end up like this on every ride!

  • Allow yourself to be immature - you very rarely will have the opportunity to be act like a kid again!

......Cedar Point, here we come!  

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Happy, Happy Day!

There are a lot of reasons to celebrate on this lovely 25th of July!  One of my closest friends got engaged last night!  This one was a long time in the making, so many, many congrats go out to her and her new fiance.  Check out that bling:

In addition to the engagement, today marks the birth dates of the same friend, who is now sporting some hardware on that left hand, as well as my sister-in-law.

Talk about a lot of activity in a 24 hour span....Congrats all around and Happy Birthday wishes to all!


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Busy Bee

This week is has been a bit crazy busy thus far, so I apologize for the lack of posting.  Please, forgive me.  As a "make good" for my inconsistencies, please enjoy the pleasures of the Renaissance Faire memory below: you can see, we nailed it!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday Favorites

  • Renaissance Faire - I cannot say for sure it is a favorite yet since I will be attending tomorrow, but how could it not be, right?!  A group of us thought it would be fun to check this out.  Albeit, this was a plan made over drinks last weekend, but... something different for a weekend activity nonetheless!

  • Hands Free Calling - I do not normally drive to work since public transportation is an option - ya know, doing my part to help the environment!  However, yesterday I had meetings out in the 'burbs and the blue tooth in my car made the drive home much more bearable!  I now understand why my brother calls me every day on his way home from work. 

  • New Shoes - I found them on sale at Zara.  I need more flat sandals in my life and thought, what better way to broaden my collection than by purchasing a pair on sale?!  I cannot wait to style these with some old outfits to create new looks!

  • Bachelor Party Fun - It is a "guys weekend" as my better half and a group of his friends are making the journey across the country to Seattle as we speak!  Here's to a weekend of fun for the groom:

  • Beautiful Weather - Well, at least for today!  Even if it will be short lived, it is a more than a welcomed break in the hot, humid mess we have been living in these past few weeks. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My Life, At The Mercy of A Train Schedule....

I have my morning routine down to a science.  I know exactly how long I can delay the inevitable of walking out the door and making may way towards the train station, only to find myself walking onto the platform just as the train is pulling up to take me away to work.  I have perfected this practice over the course of the past 5 years.  I am brilliantly punctual every day, all the while maximizing my mornings at home.

Or at least this was the case up until about a week ago....

There is some serious construction going on in one of the houses on the street surrounding the train station.  The same street so many commuters park our cars on before walking to the train platform.  Easy fix you say?  I say not.  Yes, I realize I will now have to account for extra time in the morning, but I want to sleep those extra 10 minutes, dammit! 

This construction is completely messing up my routine, but what makes it even worse is that it seems to be taking place sporadically throughout the week!  Just enough to leave us with no means of determining the daily schedule or peak times for lack of parking available on any given day.  Quite frustrating...

I would normally welcome the extra 20-25 minutes and simply walk to the train; however, it has been 100 + degrees these past few weeks - and humid as all hell to go along with it.  If it were acceptable to show up to work a sweaty mess, so be it.  Since it is not, I will continue to drive and subject myself to this nonsense.

Which brings us to today, Wednesday, July 18, 2012.  Not off to the greatest start to begin with - woke up with a migraine, decided to take the latest train option I have available to still get me to work before 9am, showered and got ready quickly (under the influence of Imitrex, which is a cross between being so drunk you are having an out of body experience or what it must feel like to be a ghost and actually be out of body).  Still, I managed to get myself out the door just in time to catch the train. 

Why was I not accounting for the construction and leaving a bit earlier, you may be asking yourself?  Simple - there has been no construction whatsoever so far this week.  In fact, I was under the impression that the work was now completed and we were free to revert back to the scientific routine of our mornings.  However, much to my surprise, the construction team had decided to grace us with their presence on this hot, steamy hump day. 

I drive around - QUICKLY - on the hunt for the best parking spot possible.  Of course, this is a lost cause as such things do not exist on this particular morning.  I finally find a spot at approx. 8:37am.  Perfect!  Except for the fact that the trains scheduled arrival time is 8:43am.  F!  I get parked and take off in an all out sprint for a solid quarter of a mile, probably more, running up to the platform before the train is even close to pulling up.

PHEW!  In a brief moment of relief, I consider the fact that I may have been a great Olympic runner, but this thought is quickly dismissed when I discover I am drenched in sweat.  DRENCHED!  It is so disgusting that I almost wish I would not have even bothered showering this morning, let alone putting on make-up - a task I always feel is a mistake in this heat anyway. 

I practically run to the front of the line and onto the train when it pulls up.  The cold, wonderful feeling of air conditioning so graciously welcomes me aboard.  At first, it is glorious!  Until I sit down and come to the realization that because my back is completely covered in sweat, I cannot actually lean back to sit in my seat like a normal human being.  My leather seat.  Ugh! 

It is in this moment that I consider this could quite possibly be one of my most hated feelings in the world.  Right behind the feeling of socks that are pulled to tight and suffocating your toes.....or the greasy feeling of lotion that does not absorb into your skin....or the feeling you get when you are caught in the rain, wearing jeans that drag the ground, as the water slowly make its way up your pant leg.  That, I decide, is actually the most hated feeling in the world!

Eventually, and on time, the train dropped me off at my stop.  I had pretty much cooled down entirely and felt somewhat normal again.  And now?  Well, I am back to watching the clock as it nears the end of the day, contemplating whether or not I will be able to race to the platform in time to catch the 5:43pm train home, or if 6:19pm will be more feasible....

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

When Social Media Gets Personal

While I was eating lunch today, taking a quick break to check out the latest and greatest in the Facebook world, I noticed my news feed was blowing up with an endless amount of ranting from various acquaintances from my high school.  I say acquaintances, because I honestly cannot refer to any of them as friends.  I have not seen nor spoken to any of these people in over 10 years (some I am not even sure we ever spoke when we were in school together), so keep that in mind as I provide my light-hearted mockery of the situation....

Disclaimer: As someone who blogs, I recognize there may be hypocritical statements described herein; however, let it be clear that what I am referring to within the context of this post is the art of the status update via social media channels, not blogging.  A practice implemented to give real time updates throughout the course of the day, the status update details the who, what, when, where and why of, well, everything....but in real time! 

Whereas, this little thing called Ali Types Words is a private blog that I have disclosed to all of 5 people.  If you are reading this, and you are not one of those 5 people, congratulations!  You are trespassing on pure genius.

Let it also be clear that I am actually, in many ways, making fun of myself to the utmost degree.  My only request is that you do not take the thoughts and opinions expressed herein too seriously, for I do not and I am the person stating such thoughts and opinions....

I very much enjoy having access to the information appearing on my news feed.  If you have been kind enough to grant me this right, I appreciate it.  Now, I must apologize for your clear misjudgement of the type of person I am.  The type of person who takes the information provided and spins it in a satirical manner intended for the entertainment of others.  One may even go as far to say that it is almost as if you do not even know me at all...

You really can find out so much about a person by how they so generously provide the play by play of their lives through their various social media channels.

Me?  I have never once posted a Facebook status update, nor will I ever.  I do not see the value in letting all of my friends acquaintances know what I am making for dinner that night, or what time I will be checked into a bar and who I will be with, or anything else for that matter. 

It should also be noted that I do not feel the need to let serial killers, who may also be stalkers (or is that one in the same?!), know of my whereabouts at any given moment.  No, I am not so self absorbed to think that this would actually happen to me if I were to post status updates; however, I do know things like this have happened to others and I am merely speculating based on no facts whatsoever (Craigslist killer, hello!).

Simply put, I do not feel that I have any words of wisdom, or importance, to offer the masses.  Instead, I put those thoughts here....the blog I started that I know no one reads!

....Back to the topic at hand.....

Please do not misinterpret my own lack of status updating to mean that I do not appreciated the updates of others.  I so very much do.  Without them, I am not sure what would give me the right to say I function in society as a technologically savvy adult?! 

  • I absolutely need to understand that Acquaintance 1 feels so strongly about veganism, but Acquaintance 2 cannot wait to enjoy veal later that night.  I honestly felt that their 54 comment rant really provided an unbiased, informational review of both sides. 

  • I absolutely enjoy having the knowledge that Acquaintance 3 hates Obama for sending him a $0.42 health care refund.  With this always in the back of my mind, it will undoubtedly relate to the way I vote in the election. 

  • I absolutely need to be able to say that I know Acquaintance Friend 4, because she just got a new puppy AND had her picture taken with George Clooney last night.  I can now say I am friends with someone who knows George Clooney!

FACT:  A social media outlet is a forum created by an individual, which is to be used solely by that individual as a means of self expression.

FACT:  A social media outlet is a forum that is accessible to other individuals in a specific network (often with the required approval of the creator), establishing "welcomed" interaction with one another.

FACT: A social media outlet is a forum that showcases the varying thoughts and opinions of specific individuals, in a specific network, that are not intended to offend others, but alas....they so often do.

FACT: A social media outlet is a forum that can often create a false sense of courage to those individuals who discover they suddenly have "grown a pair," resulting in interactions (and sometimes altercations) with individuals whom they may not actually even know.

FACT:  A social media outlet is a forum that promotes freedom of speech - such a beautiful thing.  Without you, I would so rarely find myself entertained by the passive aggressiveness of others (or even myself!).

I guess what I am really saying is, THANK YOU!

{insert Jimmy Fallon "Thank You Notes" music here....}

Thank you, social media.  For providing me with the ability to see life through the eyes of others. 

For arming me with the education and knowledge to successfully debate for President....or to write a book on the subjects of gay and lesbian rights, or the reasons pit bulls really do make great pets....or any other topic that has ever been thought of or will ever be thought of by anyone in the entire existence of man kind. 

For making it clear, by way of total numbers of friends and photos, that my life truly is better than anyone else's.



*NOTE: None of the facts outlined above are, in fact, actual facts based on any factual research, factual evidence or factual results.  In short, they are non-facts and should be viewed as such.

Monday, July 16, 2012

How To Be Happy For Friends

There has been quite a bit of change in our lives over the course of the past few years - engagements, babies, moves, weddings, new jobs.....the list goes on.  What never ceases to amaze me is that even in the happiest of moments, we manage to find a negative in the situation.  Are we so conditioned to question everything that we struggle to exude sincere happiness? 

When I say negative, I do not mean envious or cold-hearted.  I am more so referring to the "what if" factor.  For example:

Friend 1 just took a new job!  Friend 2 is so excited for Friend 1, but is also concerned that Friend 1 will get bored very easily and will later regret leaving the previous position.


Friend 1 just got engaged!  Friend 2 is honored to be standing in the wedding, but is also worried that Friend 1 is moving too quickly.  They have only been dating for 8 months!


Friend 1 just bought a new house!  Friend 2 is thrilled for Friend 1, but wonders how they were able to afford such an elaborate purchase?  Friend 2 really hopes they are saving for their future! get the idea. 

Perhaps negative is not the correct word to describe these feelings?  Concern of well being is probably a more fitting reflection, I suppose.  Either way, it feels as if the manner in which we have evolved makes it increasingly more difficult for us to express and feel genuine happiness for others.  It is almost never that we are jealous or unhappy or that we disagree with the decision, but rather the nature in which we worry and question what is right clouds our ability to see the bigger picture. 

In life, there is no "right way" of doing things.  This is a key element we fail to remember from time to time.  It is important for us to keep in mind that we require different approaches and interpretations to make us who we are at our core - unique individuals.  If we went through life making the exact same choices as the next guy, where would that leave us?  Better yet, if we simply concerned ourselves with what others thought of our choices and decisions, where would that leave us? 

I admire anyone who can confidently make a life altering decision.  For it takes some real balls to be so secure in yourself that you are capable of doing so.  That is the type of person I want to be.  That is the way I want to live my life - secure in who I am, confident in my own actions and, above all, fearlessFearless in what others may think of me, fearless in having the knowledge that every decision may not always turn out to be the right one, fearless in my ability to take on any obstacles that may present themselves and fearless in living my life to the fullest.

Live and be fearless...

I think we could all afford to hit the reset button when we find ourselves judging the choices of others - and I am just as guilty as anyone.  It is so easy to get distracted by the stresses of the daily grind and forget what you actually stand for.  Next time you feel like expressing concern for others' well being, take a quick step back and, instead, express happiness.  If for nothing else, be happy that you have surrounded yourself with the type of individuals who are so strong willed - they will only make you stronger.  Be happy that your friends know who they are - they will only make you more confident in yourself.  Be happy that your friends are making efforts to be the people they always hoped to become - they will always support you in your own continued growth.  Just be happy.

While questioning and thinking through our own actions is almost never a negative, we should be sure to keep it to just that - ourselvesJust do you and let others do themselves.  Life is far too short to lack the ability to celebrate others - who knows, the next celebration may even be your own?!  My guess is that you, too, are going to want some genuinely happy friends in your corner when the time comes!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday Favorites

  • Coffee - I am not a daily coffee drinker, but with the sleep deprivation of this week, it was a must! 

  • Bossypants - Tina Fey is just hilarious.  This was a great book to have in hand this week - light hearted, funny and well-written. 

  • Girls Night - we had a girls dinner last night at Thalia Spice, and it was the perfect end to a stressful few days!

  • Sleep - this is more so something I am looking forward to as a favorite tonight and this weekend as opposed to this week as a whole!

  • Wedding Shower Congrats! - Unfortunately, I will not be in attendance (do not worry, the gift has made its way there!), but on Sunday there will be a wedding shower celebration for our friend, Claire.  The big day is quickly approaching!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

When Dogs Cry

I know it is supposed to be doves, but in this story it is dogs.  Specifically one dog.

Everyone who knows me is fully aware of my love for animals.  I have always been this way since I was very little and, by nature, I cannot help but love them.  They melt my heart! 

It does not stop at dogs, it is pretty much all animals - with the exception of small cats, actually.  I am really not fond of house cats....Lions, Tigers and Bears Cheetahs, however.  ABSOLUTELY!

I have a soft spot for animals, I guess.  I really feel like if we are not here to protect their well being, who will?  They cannot help themselves.  Yea, yea....spoken like a true animal lover nut case, I know.....

I have mentioned her before, but my dog fur child is a little female boxer named Bailey....and I love her to pieces.  Meet The Bailey Boo:

I am not a "crazy" dog lady per se, but I do love her a lot.  In our household, we have a rule that she is not allowed to sleep in the bed with us; however, this rule goes right out the window when my husband is traveling.....and also on the weekends when we let her come lay with us, briefly, in the morning.  She is a total snuggle bug:

...what can I say?  We pretty much have a 55 pound lap dog.  She loves us a lot too!

Ever since she was a puppy, whenever she sees the suitcases come out and my husband and I packing, she gets very loving and will stand in between my legs, following me throughout the room or wherever I go.  She completely understands what the suitcases mean and that we are going to be leaving her shortly thereafter.  It makes me feel like a terrible dog owner!

That said, it usually does not take long for her to bounce back as she is always very excited to see her dog-sitter.  We have a wonderful dog walker/watcher who is crazy about Bailey and vise versa.  You can tell that they truly take great responsibility for the dogs and making them comfortable is a top priority.  Bailey even has a "friend" when she stays with the sitter, a little beagle named Patches. 

So by the time we return from out of town, the Bailey Boo is back to her old, playful self and is excited to see us - but is almost always exhausted from all of the fun.........except for when we returned from Houston last Saturday. 

OK she was still very much exhausted, and you could tell she had been playing a lot (they went to the dog beach, etc.); however, she would not leave my side from the moment I walked in the door until last night (Wednesday), when she must have finally come to terms with the fact that I was not leaving her again any time soon.  She refused to leave my side from the moment I would walk in the door from work to the moment I would leave again the next morning.  She would whine if I was not paying attention to her while I was cooking dinner, or if I was on a phone call for work, or if she was not sitting/laying close enough to get the idea. 

Separation anxiety much?!?!?!

As much as I love it when she is extra cuddly and loving (which she very much is a lot of the time already), I am glad to have her little personality back to normal.

Go ahead....everyone comment about how crazy I am and that she is only a dog....  Trust me, I get it.  But look at this face:

Not Enough Hours In The Day....


I feel this way often, but this week has been so much worse than normal.  I apologize for the lack of posting, I have been quite slammed at work, prepping for not one, but two international presentations that will be taking place tonight at 11:30pm-12:30am and then again tomorrow morning at 3:30am-4:30am.  Work all day and present all night, back to work shortly after.  The never-ending cycle! 

This in addition to the husband being out of town, my brother (whom I love dearly) calling me every single day (in the office) while he is on his way home from work, and the millions of errands I need to take care of before the end of the week, let's just say I am going to need a very large, stiff drink come Friday. 

It is just, one of those they say.

After tomorrow morning, I hope to be somewhat back to my bad ass self, vowing to become a more religious blogger.  I promise when my life is a little less work-crazed I will start writing topics of actual substance!  I swear I am much more intelligent than I am letting on....

To prove it, here are some upcoming posts that I already have brewing in this little mind of mine.  As an added bonus, they are all likely to require actual thoughts, points of view and, perhaps, even proof that I have legitimate writing skills?!

  • When Dogs Cry

  • What We Can Learn From the Kardashians

  • Nearing 30

  • A Big Kid At Heart

  • Breaking Up the Band

  ...get excited!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday Favorites - Texas Edition

Houston - believe it or not, it is nothing like Friday Night Lights. When we landed on Tuesday night and were en route to my parent's house, I could not help but thinking, "well this looks nothing like East Dillon."

Fish Tacos - it doesn't matter where you are really, but when you are on a coast and the fresh fish are plentiful, you just cannot beat the quality of the fish tacos. Yum!

4th of July - my all-time favorite holiday. I was, unfortunately, feeling a little under the weather this year, but it was still a solid celebration of our independence nonetheless.

Toyota Highlander - specifically your 3rd row seating. Without you, we would have had a very difficult time maneuvering around this massive city.

Humidity - only in Texas can this be deemed a favorite. Apparently it is great for your skin and decreases the appearance of wrinkles. Who knew?!


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Rock, Flag and Eagle!

Happy 4th of July, everyone!  The 4th is truly my favorite holiday of the year.  Be safe and be sure to celebrate our independence to its fullest - and many thanks to all who made and continue to make it possible!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

God Blessed Texas

Or so we were told by country music act, Little Texas, anyway.  That is debatable at this point, but I will be able to provide an in-depth review next week.  The husband and I (along with his parents) are making the trip down to Houston this afternoon to spend the 4th of July with my parents. 

I have never been to Texas, so this will be an interesting experience since this is now "home" to my family.  I am keeping an open mind - I love new travels!  Plus, I am pretty excited to check out the new digs.

Texas is a clean slate for me as I pretty much know nothing other than the following:

Instead, I leave you with this on the eve of our nation's independence:

(WARNING: The following video contains explicit language and may be deemed offensive in nature by some.  It in no way reflects my own views and opinions and should be viewed solely as light-hearted humor.  Not interested?  Don't watch.).