Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday Favorites - Texas Edition

Houston - believe it or not, it is nothing like Friday Night Lights. When we landed on Tuesday night and were en route to my parent's house, I could not help but thinking, "well this looks nothing like East Dillon."

Fish Tacos - it doesn't matter where you are really, but when you are on a coast and the fresh fish are plentiful, you just cannot beat the quality of the fish tacos. Yum!

4th of July - my all-time favorite holiday. I was, unfortunately, feeling a little under the weather this year, but it was still a solid celebration of our independence nonetheless.

Toyota Highlander - specifically your 3rd row seating. Without you, we would have had a very difficult time maneuvering around this massive city.

Humidity - only in Texas can this be deemed a favorite. Apparently it is great for your skin and decreases the appearance of wrinkles. Who knew?!


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