Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday Favorites

  • Coffee - I am not a daily coffee drinker, but with the sleep deprivation of this week, it was a must! 

  • Bossypants - Tina Fey is just hilarious.  This was a great book to have in hand this week - light hearted, funny and well-written. 

  • Girls Night - we had a girls dinner last night at Thalia Spice, and it was the perfect end to a stressful few days!

  • Sleep - this is more so something I am looking forward to as a favorite tonight and this weekend as opposed to this week as a whole!

  • Wedding Shower Congrats! - Unfortunately, I will not be in attendance (do not worry, the gift has made its way there!), but on Sunday there will be a wedding shower celebration for our friend, Claire.  The big day is quickly approaching!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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