I have a serious problem with food lately. It is not that I do not want it, but rather that I am terrible about eating breakfast, even worse about taking a lunch break and by time dinner rolls around, I have come to the realization that I could eat my own arm off....because I am that hungry. Kids, do not try this at home. It is not a daily routine to be proud of. In fact, it is one to be pretty disappointed in yourself with.
Every week, I tell myself that I am going to make a concerted effort to create the extra time needed in the morning to eat breakfast. This never happens. I could eat breakfast at work, yes. Easier said than done.... The minute I walk through the door....actually, let's be completely honest here....the minute I open my eyes and roll over to look at my Blackberry, it is game over...Work, work, work, work, work.
I am responding to emails, quite literally, from the moment I wake up until the moment I close my eyes that night. It is the very first thing I do when I rise, and the very last thing I do before I go to sleep. Is that normal?! And because I get so caught up in the daily grind, my metabolism is ready to kill me as a result, I am sure of it.
Everyone always stresses the importance of a balanced breakfast and lunch, and I have never realized how true that is until recently. My skipping breakfast and lunch stint has got to stop. And what better way to take control of this issue than by having a 4 day weekend to start implementing the new change?!
Labor Day could not have come at a better time. It will give me the opportunity to relax a little, go grocery shopping, stock up on my potential breakfast and lunch item needs, and really get myself back on a healthy eating plan stat. Do not misunderstand, we are still eating healthy dinners during the week, but because I am suffering from the starvation of the day, I have to fit in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich a couple of hours later just to get me through.
So now I am on the hunt for some good breakfast and lunch items. I have always been really bad about eating breakfast, so this will be turning over a new leaf for me. The lunch items I have always been pretty healthy about, but I tend to get sick of the same thing every day and I do not eat lunch meat. So, needless to say, I am somewhat limited in my selections. I need some variety. Any good recommendations on must have items?!
If only I could just have a personal chef and trainer on hand to take care of these things for me on the daily. Life would be so much easier then....right?!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Birthday Wishes!
To our fur child. Today, we wish the Bailey Boo a happy 4th birthday!
...and to think she was just this tiny little thing when we got her. We love her lots!
...and to think she was just this tiny little thing when we got her. We love her lots!
Monday, August 27, 2012
So Long, Farewell....
I have mentioned this day was coming in previous posts, but tonight marks the "official" last night in Chicago for our dear friends, Jinna and Travis. Early tomorrow morning, they will embark on their journey out west to LA. We, of course, could not be happier for them as they begin this new chapter in their lives, but we are still bummed to see them go. We have spent a lot of quality time with them since they made the big announcement, soaking in as much as we possibly can.
This is the first real blow to our core adult "social circle," and it will, undoubtedly, be a big one. Everyone has that certain person, or maybe even a handful of people, that they feel they can most be themselves around. Those whom you feel you never have to try to be anything you are not. Those that you are so comfortable in the presence of, no matter what you may say or do, you are accepted for who you truly are. For better or worse. Jinna and Travis are those people.
Through the seemingly endless debates, fantasy football trades, late night Filet-O-Fish indulgences and incestuous wife swaps (don't worry mom, this is only a joke), an organic friendship has blossomed over the course of these past few years. We so value the relationship that has developed, and I honestly cannot even begin to express how much they will be missed. On the other hand, we do have a sweet new destination to frequent as the inevitable terror that is a Chicago winter approaches! That will come in handy....
So definitely some positive aspects to look forward to with them being out west, not to mention the tremendous growth on the horizon for them both personally and professionally! While it does feel like we are losing our friends a little bit, we are so excited to see what the next year or two brings....and we are already counting down the days until we see them again soon. Hail to thee, and may you both live forever!
This is the first real blow to our core adult "social circle," and it will, undoubtedly, be a big one. Everyone has that certain person, or maybe even a handful of people, that they feel they can most be themselves around. Those whom you feel you never have to try to be anything you are not. Those that you are so comfortable in the presence of, no matter what you may say or do, you are accepted for who you truly are. For better or worse. Jinna and Travis are those people.
Through the seemingly endless debates, fantasy football trades, late night Filet-O-Fish indulgences and incestuous wife swaps (don't worry mom, this is only a joke), an organic friendship has blossomed over the course of these past few years. We so value the relationship that has developed, and I honestly cannot even begin to express how much they will be missed. On the other hand, we do have a sweet new destination to frequent as the inevitable terror that is a Chicago winter approaches! That will come in handy....
So definitely some positive aspects to look forward to with them being out west, not to mention the tremendous growth on the horizon for them both personally and professionally! While it does feel like we are losing our friends a little bit, we are so excited to see what the next year or two brings....and we are already counting down the days until we see them again soon. Hail to thee, and may you both live forever!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Friday Favorites
- Birthday Bonanza - A friend of mine and my father-in-law celebrated on the 22nd, and my dad will be celebrating on the 25th! A lot of birthdays in August, no doubt.
- Mexican Night - Tonight, we participate in the rehearsal dinner for our good friends, Claire and Jason! The fiesta is being held at Adobo Grill and should definitely be a great time with plenty of margaritas to go around (open bar from 6-9pm, woohoo!).
- Wedding Bells - Saturday, August 25, 2012, will mark the big day for Claire and Jason here in Chicago. We are all excited to celebrate and cannot wait for the Pat's Pizza delivery at 11pm for a late night snack!
- Sorority Reunion - Three of my sorority sisters were in town on Wednesday night, one of whom was celebrating her 30th! We went to dinner/drinks and it was great to catch up. I cannot believe how far removed I am from my Purdue days, yikes!
- New Ink - I got some new ink this week (sorry, mom)! Ever since I went through the legal process of changing my
identityname after marriage, I have felt so conflicted about embracing it. I know this seems bizarre, but I really felt like I lost a little bit of what made me who I am. For 27 years, I had been AS. And with just a swift pen stroke, boom. I became AG.
I have pondered for over a year about what I wanted to do about this, and
ultimately decided the best possible way to hold on to who I am was through
a simple phrase that my mother, repeatedly, beat into the brains of myself
and all of my friends growing up, "Remember who you are..." We always
found it beyond annoying at the time, every time we walked out of the door
to go do something, but who knew it would stick with us all?!
I, of course, tricked my mother into writing this and scanning it for me about
a month ago, asking her to not ask any questions. She obeyed. As a result, I
now have her actual handwriting branded on me, forever (do not act like you
are not a little bit flattered, mother):
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Ever noticed how I always do things in increments of 5? Friday Favorites - always a list of 5. And it does not stop there....
I also memorize numbers - credit card numbers, telephone numbers, birthdays, license plate numbers....It's really kind of nutty. And I do not just limit it to that!
I will somehow break numbers down to have meaning when I "see them in nature." For example, if a semi-truck drives past me with letters and numbers on the side of the trailer, I will undoubtedly be able to break the combination down to correlate to a birthday, someone's initials, you name it.
And things always, ALWAYS, have to be strategically placed. On my work desk, in my jewelry box, etc. I physically go into a state of panic if things are not tidy and in order....
Everyone who knows me always jokes around that I am super OCD and losing my mind. Which could potentially be the case. So what is the verdict? Am I truly OCD or just a little bat shit crazy?!
- Microwaving - I absolutely cannot just open the microwave to stir on any given second. It must be stopped at an increment of 5.
- Television volume - yep, always set at an increment of 5 (if I am controlling it).
- Applying make-up and/or deodorant - sadly, always an increment of 5 brush strokes/deo applications (or what have you). This one gets tricky, because if it feels wrong, I have to start all over from the beginning....gets very time consuming!
- Pump shampoos/conditioners - you guessed it, gotta be an increment of 5 pumps.
- "To Do" Lists - I will literally create something that I can check off immediately for the sake having an increment of 5. This goes for all lists....
--- to prove to you my level of crazy, I had "applying make-up" and "applying deodorant" listed as two separate bullets, but was forced to combine them to ensure I had an increment of 5 bullets listed above! ---
I also memorize numbers - credit card numbers, telephone numbers, birthdays, license plate numbers....It's really kind of nutty. And I do not just limit it to that!
I will somehow break numbers down to have meaning when I "see them in nature." For example, if a semi-truck drives past me with letters and numbers on the side of the trailer, I will undoubtedly be able to break the combination down to correlate to a birthday, someone's initials, you name it.
And things always, ALWAYS, have to be strategically placed. On my work desk, in my jewelry box, etc. I physically go into a state of panic if things are not tidy and in order....
Everyone who knows me always jokes around that I am super OCD and losing my mind. Which could potentially be the case. So what is the verdict? Am I truly OCD or just a little bat shit crazy?!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
When Fantasy Becomes Reality
It came and it went, oh so quickly like it does every year. With an auction style draft, the Fantasy Football league that I am a part of does not leave much room for error. In fact, it leaves none. You have to be at the top of your game, fully focused, when draft day roles around. And that I was......
There we sat, 9 of the 12 team owners at one rather large table at Buffalo Wild Wings. All accompanied by our over-sized lap tops that have not seen the light of day since the early 2000's. We cannot risk having to sacrifice our draft room views with the smaller screen like a netbook offers, and we all know the iPad does not play well with live interaction, so there I was...my black Acer in tow, ready to rock n' roll.
I made sure to keep a steady watch of the facial expressions around me. Bidding up on certain players where I could, giving others the nudge they needed to blow their monies a little bit quicker than they otherwise would have. You see, it is all about strategic approach in an auction style draft.
You absolutely cannot let your emotions get the best of you under this format. Trust me, I have learned the hard way. Drafting at least one representative of the Cincinnati Bengals every year, even when they were not worth a shit.
This year, I wanted A.J. Green so badly, and everyone knew it.....and I knew that they knew it. When he was nominated, everyone kept bidding the price up, waiting for me to pull the trigger like they were expecting I would, only to find that I did not bid on him at all. It took everything I had, but I was quite pleased with myself as I looked around the table to see the levels of disappointment on everyone's faces.
Much like my associates, I took the exact same approach with multiple Chicago Bears and Green Bay Packers players, bidding up on the likes of Matt Forte, Aaron Rogers and many others, knowing there were tons of fans in my league. In my case, it mostly worked to my advantage!
About half way through the draft, we did have a major auto draft incident that resulted in excessive screaming and unnecessary drama. One of the team owners got up to use the facilities, mid-draft, only to return to find that he had paid $10 for Vincent Jackson. Needless to say, he was furious and after his pissing match with the league commish, he sat in silence for the remainder of the draft. I told you my league is intense!
All in all, despite the obvious outburst, the draft was a success. Being a part of a 12 team league is definitely difficult as there are not a ton of great players at every position to go around, but that is what makes it so fun. Having to draft a minimum of 17 players per team also makes this difficult....
Last year, I drafted Rob Gronkowski for $1....on auto draft.....by accident.....and I was super pissed. He was a nobody, but I did some reading on him after my little mix-up and decided to hold on to him. Best. Idea. Ever. This year, I paid $20 for him (yes, I admittedly over paid), knowing that I will utilize him more so as a WR than a TE in our flex position (our flex position allows for RB/WR/TE, it is awesome!).
That is the beauty of the 12 team league and the limited $100 salary cap. It forces you to expand your knowledge of the game and keep an eye out for those up and comers, not just the obvious super stars. You can really only have your heart set on 2-3 big name players in an auction draft format, especially one as deep as ours. From there, your willingness to stick to your allocated values per position, and ability to fight off any emotional attachments you may have to certain players, will allow you to succeed.
And now {insert drum roll}, I give you the 2012-2013 members of The Lady Killer:
I am feeling pretty good, not going to lie. I have to say though, I am having a really hard time with one thing in particular, and you may be able to help me out.... My biggest struggle at this point, as I patiently await the official start to the NFL season, seems to be this: do I change my team name to Breesus Christ?!
There we sat, 9 of the 12 team owners at one rather large table at Buffalo Wild Wings. All accompanied by our over-sized lap tops that have not seen the light of day since the early 2000's. We cannot risk having to sacrifice our draft room views with the smaller screen like a netbook offers, and we all know the iPad does not play well with live interaction, so there I was...my black Acer in tow, ready to rock n' roll.
I made sure to keep a steady watch of the facial expressions around me. Bidding up on certain players where I could, giving others the nudge they needed to blow their monies a little bit quicker than they otherwise would have. You see, it is all about strategic approach in an auction style draft.
You absolutely cannot let your emotions get the best of you under this format. Trust me, I have learned the hard way. Drafting at least one representative of the Cincinnati Bengals every year, even when they were not worth a shit.
This year, I wanted A.J. Green so badly, and everyone knew it.....and I knew that they knew it. When he was nominated, everyone kept bidding the price up, waiting for me to pull the trigger like they were expecting I would, only to find that I did not bid on him at all. It took everything I had, but I was quite pleased with myself as I looked around the table to see the levels of disappointment on everyone's faces.
Much like my associates, I took the exact same approach with multiple Chicago Bears and Green Bay Packers players, bidding up on the likes of Matt Forte, Aaron Rogers and many others, knowing there were tons of fans in my league. In my case, it mostly worked to my advantage!
About half way through the draft, we did have a major auto draft incident that resulted in excessive screaming and unnecessary drama. One of the team owners got up to use the facilities, mid-draft, only to return to find that he had paid $10 for Vincent Jackson. Needless to say, he was furious and after his pissing match with the league commish, he sat in silence for the remainder of the draft. I told you my league is intense!
All in all, despite the obvious outburst, the draft was a success. Being a part of a 12 team league is definitely difficult as there are not a ton of great players at every position to go around, but that is what makes it so fun. Having to draft a minimum of 17 players per team also makes this difficult....
Last year, I drafted Rob Gronkowski for $1....on auto draft.....by accident.....and I was super pissed. He was a nobody, but I did some reading on him after my little mix-up and decided to hold on to him. Best. Idea. Ever. This year, I paid $20 for him (yes, I admittedly over paid), knowing that I will utilize him more so as a WR than a TE in our flex position (our flex position allows for RB/WR/TE, it is awesome!).
That is the beauty of the 12 team league and the limited $100 salary cap. It forces you to expand your knowledge of the game and keep an eye out for those up and comers, not just the obvious super stars. You can really only have your heart set on 2-3 big name players in an auction draft format, especially one as deep as ours. From there, your willingness to stick to your allocated values per position, and ability to fight off any emotional attachments you may have to certain players, will allow you to succeed.
And now {insert drum roll}, I give you the 2012-2013 members of The Lady Killer:
- QB's - Drew Brees, Robert Griffin III
- RB's - Demarco Murray, Peyton Hillis, Ben Tate, Mark Ingram (a little weak at RB overall, but if Jamaal Charles does not bounce back as planned, Hillis will shine. And we all know Arian Foster is prone to injuries, so in goes Ben Tate who is fully capable...)
- WR's - Jordy Nelson, Dez Bryant, Jon Baldwin, TO (it was my last pick, for $1...I had to!)
- TE's - Rob Gronkowski, Coby Fleener, Martellus Bennett (TE's are my favorite position, and I love how they are evolving into a much larger role in offenses across the NFL...)
- K's - Mason Crosby, Jason Hanson
- D/ST - Jets, Falcons (whom I will most likely drop and pick up a D/ST with a better match up during certain weeks)
I am feeling pretty good, not going to lie. I have to say though, I am having a really hard time with one thing in particular, and you may be able to help me out.... My biggest struggle at this point, as I patiently await the official start to the NFL season, seems to be this: do I change my team name to Breesus Christ?!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Cedar Point Recap
The camera that was used to capture our adventure was missing in action up until now, so apologies on the delayed re-cap post. The trip was a blast, per usual! The 10 of us left Chicago early on Friday morning, getting to Cedar Point by early afternoon.
Upon arrival, we started things off right with Max Air!
We all dug it....
Then it was time for some coasters!
.....and then we noticed some storm clouds were rolling in, so we ran and rushed to hit up Millennium Force!
...and that is when the down pour came, shortly thereafter accompanied by thunder and lightning, ending our day slightly earlier than expected.... We quite literally sprinted a solid 2 miles from the very end of the park to the entrance. No joke!
.....and made it home just in time for the Opening Ceremony celebration (and some Domino's pizza)!
Day 2 was much more promising by way of the weather forecast. And let's not forget that we had those Fast Lane Passes to cut everyone in line on this day!
We had a strong start to the day with our breakfast of champions...Cracker Barrel!
Without the slightest bit of panic in ourstomachs hearts that vomit may or may not be on the horizon, we let it rip and held anything back.
Our day consisted of the following, invery close to exact order:
MEAN STREAK (sorry - no accompanied image on this one!)
MANTIS (apologies, again, no accompanied image here either!)
And as the sun began to set, we made our way to get on, arguably, the best rides in the park...hoping to ride them both in the dark.....
Like the pros that we are, we ended the 2012 Cedar Point outing on a high note, giving an encore performance with these:
Those Fast Lane Passes were most definitely a game changer. We rode 15 rides! The brain is not meant to handle that kind of impact, but it was well worth it. Be sure to check out my For Fun page for all of the pics!
Until next year....
Upon arrival, we started things off right with Max Air!
We all dug it....
Then it was time for some coasters!
.....and then we noticed some storm clouds were rolling in, so we ran and rushed to hit up Millennium Force!
...and that is when the down pour came, shortly thereafter accompanied by thunder and lightning, ending our day slightly earlier than expected.... We quite literally sprinted a solid 2 miles from the very end of the park to the entrance. No joke!
.....and made it home just in time for the Opening Ceremony celebration (and some Domino's pizza)!
Day 2 was much more promising by way of the weather forecast. And let's not forget that we had those Fast Lane Passes to cut everyone in line on this day!
We had a strong start to the day with our breakfast of champions...Cracker Barrel!
Without the slightest bit of panic in our
Our day consisted of the following, in
MEAN STREAK (sorry - no accompanied image on this one!)
--- A brief intermission when Travis tried his hand at this thing....and Sundi lost his mind! ---
MANTIS (apologies, again, no accompanied image here either!)
And as the sun began to set, we made our way to get on, arguably, the best rides in the park...hoping to ride them both in the dark.....
Like the pros that we are, we ended the 2012 Cedar Point outing on a high note, giving an encore performance with these:
....and then, the realization that our brains had turned to mush began to set in....
Those Fast Lane Passes were most definitely a game changer. We rode 15 rides! The brain is not meant to handle that kind of impact, but it was well worth it. Be sure to check out my For Fun page for all of the pics!
Until next year....
Friday, August 17, 2012
Friday Favorites
Fantasy Football - The draft is tonight and I cannot wait! This moment makes or breaks your entire fall/early winter. I will provide a full report on my team next week once everything is in place. In the meantime, I felt it was appropriate to update my team name and logo for this season. In 2012, I will be known in the CBSSports world as "The Lady Killer" - accompanied with this (sorry, Chad!):
Warby Parker - Check out my new glasses (well, they have not officially been ordered yet, but they are in the works). I love them. As an added bonus, when you buy a pair of Warby Parker's, they donate a pair to someone in need!
Going Away Parties - This weekend, we celebrate the "final farewell" to our friends as they will be moving to Los Angeles to start their lives as newlyweds. A big group of us are getting together on Saturday to make sure they never forget why Chicago will always be "home."
It's A Boy! - Coming Winter, 2013. It has been confirmed, as of this week, that my brother and sister-in-law are expecting a bouncing baby boy.
Weekend Forecast - Aside from the potential storms on Sunday, it is going to be the perfect weekend! I am hoping to get some time outside and enjoy it while it lasts.
Warby Parker - Check out my new glasses (well, they have not officially been ordered yet, but they are in the works). I love them. As an added bonus, when you buy a pair of Warby Parker's, they donate a pair to someone in need!
Going Away Parties - This weekend, we celebrate the "final farewell" to our friends as they will be moving to Los Angeles to start their lives as newlyweds. A big group of us are getting together on Saturday to make sure they never forget why Chicago will always be "home."
It's A Boy! - Coming Winter, 2013. It has been confirmed, as of this week, that my brother and sister-in-law are expecting a bouncing baby boy.
Weekend Forecast - Aside from the potential storms on Sunday, it is going to be the perfect weekend! I am hoping to get some time outside and enjoy it while it lasts.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Trend Setters
I realize I am no "fashionista," but I would like to think I rock my own, unique style. If nothing else, I definitely like to experiment with fashion and try new things. I like to be inspired by what I see around me, the weather, time of year and, above all, how I am feeling that day. Or if I know there is an element that I really want to showcase (a hat, a pair of shoes, jewelry, a pair of glasses, a purse, etc.), I will start there and coordinate my outfit around that particular piece.
Luckily, I work in an industry that is conducive to individuality and, how do I put this, a "non-business attire required" type of setting. Meaning, I can pretty much get away with wearing cool, hip, fun and trendy outfits every day for the most part. In fact, it is encouraged! Of course, corporate/client meetings trump fashion sense, but you can still manage to funk-i-fy (is that a word?!) your business attire in a subtle way....at least I do!
With this consistent break in the heat, I am getting increasingly more excited for the official start of fall. And, more importantly, the change in wardrobe that comes along with it! So I have started to get the wheels in motion for some new fall outfits and new ways to style my existing wardrobe. Some notable trends worth getting on board with (for me) include:
Chelsea Boots. I am a big boot person to begin with, so expanding my collection annually is a no-brainer! I like the versatility of a Chelsea boot as you can truly style it up or down, depending on your mood or what you are dressing for. Love!
Leather. Jackets, pants, dresses, tops, skirts....all of it. I have the jackets, pants and skirts covered, for the most part, but I am definitely on the hunt for a leather dress like this one:
Gold and Black. Love this combo, especially for dressy events. The key is to accent the gold with a touch of black. I would limit yourself to just these two colors and minimal jewelry as it could get a little chaotic and can easily be overdone. Less is more here.
Military/Uniform. I love this. You can go solo with just one piece like a coat or a great pair of combat boots, or really do it up with a full blown uniform look with matching pants and jacket. It is a great way to let out your inner tomboy, or you can dress it up by accessorizing.
Other fall trends that I am NOT so into:
Big coats. You lose your figure and literally get lost in the coat itself. It is just not flattering. I am OK with an over-sized coat if done minimally, but those featured by many designers for the fall season are just missing the mark, in my opinion.
Embroidery. With almost a Renaissance type of feel, these designs just really feel outdated to me. Some are tolerable, and I could see myself wearing maybe a few select pieces, but for the most part I am not feeling this at all.
Velvet. Gross! I cringe more so at the thought of the feeling of the actual material than the looks themselves. It reminds me of stage costumes and I just cannot bring myself to accept this as a trend.
Honorable Mention:
Suits. Truly timeless pieces. Short suits emerged this summer and I love this look. Great for warmer climates, but still captures the classiness intended. This fall, I will definitely be on the lookout for fresh new styles of suits!
Dull Florals. I kind of love this. It is almost like listening to a sad song! Florals were definitely in last spring/summer, but as we transition into fall, the tropical colors dull out. Bright colors like pink and yellow transform into dark burgundy and purple. I can totally see myself wearing something like this on a dreary, rainy day.
Sleeves/Collars. Honorable mention, because I am not 100% sold on this one. I very much like it in certain styles - a simple collar, etc. But as a whole, I am not quite hooked. All over coverage tends to look a little bit like I am wrapped in a Snuggie. I think this is definitely one to watch and experiment with, however.
....what you are looking forward to in fall fashion for 2012? Be sure to check out my Pinterest and Polyvore pages for new style looks and ideas!
Luckily, I work in an industry that is conducive to individuality and, how do I put this, a "non-business attire required" type of setting. Meaning, I can pretty much get away with wearing cool, hip, fun and trendy outfits every day for the most part. In fact, it is encouraged! Of course, corporate/client meetings trump fashion sense, but you can still manage to funk-i-fy (is that a word?!) your business attire in a subtle way....at least I do!
With this consistent break in the heat, I am getting increasingly more excited for the official start of fall. And, more importantly, the change in wardrobe that comes along with it! So I have started to get the wheels in motion for some new fall outfits and new ways to style my existing wardrobe. Some notable trends worth getting on board with (for me) include:
Chelsea Boots. I am a big boot person to begin with, so expanding my collection annually is a no-brainer! I like the versatility of a Chelsea boot as you can truly style it up or down, depending on your mood or what you are dressing for. Love!
Leather. Jackets, pants, dresses, tops, skirts....all of it. I have the jackets, pants and skirts covered, for the most part, but I am definitely on the hunt for a leather dress like this one:
Gold and Black. Love this combo, especially for dressy events. The key is to accent the gold with a touch of black. I would limit yourself to just these two colors and minimal jewelry as it could get a little chaotic and can easily be overdone. Less is more here.
Military/Uniform. I love this. You can go solo with just one piece like a coat or a great pair of combat boots, or really do it up with a full blown uniform look with matching pants and jacket. It is a great way to let out your inner tomboy, or you can dress it up by accessorizing.

Other fall trends that I am NOT so into:
Big coats. You lose your figure and literally get lost in the coat itself. It is just not flattering. I am OK with an over-sized coat if done minimally, but those featured by many designers for the fall season are just missing the mark, in my opinion.
Embroidery. With almost a Renaissance type of feel, these designs just really feel outdated to me. Some are tolerable, and I could see myself wearing maybe a few select pieces, but for the most part I am not feeling this at all.

Velvet. Gross! I cringe more so at the thought of the feeling of the actual material than the looks themselves. It reminds me of stage costumes and I just cannot bring myself to accept this as a trend.
Honorable Mention:
Suits. Truly timeless pieces. Short suits emerged this summer and I love this look. Great for warmer climates, but still captures the classiness intended. This fall, I will definitely be on the lookout for fresh new styles of suits!
Dull Florals. I kind of love this. It is almost like listening to a sad song! Florals were definitely in last spring/summer, but as we transition into fall, the tropical colors dull out. Bright colors like pink and yellow transform into dark burgundy and purple. I can totally see myself wearing something like this on a dreary, rainy day.
Sleeves/Collars. Honorable mention, because I am not 100% sold on this one. I very much like it in certain styles - a simple collar, etc. But as a whole, I am not quite hooked. All over coverage tends to look a little bit like I am wrapped in a Snuggie. I think this is definitely one to watch and experiment with, however.
....what you are looking forward to in fall fashion for 2012? Be sure to check out my Pinterest and Polyvore pages for new style looks and ideas!
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