Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tuesday Trash Dump - REALLY!?!

Sorry, Seth and Amy.  So much is going on that I have to briefly rip off your Weekend Update sketch and create a segment of my own....

REALLY, Chad Ochocinco Johnson?  Head-butting your jersey chaser wife over a suspect box of condoms?  Look, I think she may have actually head-butted you just as much as the next guy, but who landed themselves in the big house and who in the ER?!  You are killing me here, man...

REALLY, Miami Dolphins?  Just like that he is cut?  We have actual owners of illegal weapons, drug dealers, murderers and animals killers playing in the league, but this is where we draw the line?  Child Pleeez.

REALLY, Katy Perry and John Mayer?  How did I miss that?!

REALLY, 90210?  Ryan Locthe acting?  Have you ever heard him speak?  I mean, REALLY?

REALLY, Elton John?  Put that pasty, cellulite-filled thing away.  No one needs to be exposed to that!

REALLY, Louis Vuitton?  Michael Phelps, model?  Is this a joke?

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