Thursday, August 23, 2012


Ever noticed how I always do things in increments of 5?  Friday Favorites - always a list of 5.  And it does not stop there....

  • Microwaving - I absolutely cannot just open the microwave to stir on any given second.  It must be stopped at an increment of 5.

  • Television volume - yep, always set at an increment of 5 (if I am controlling it).

  • Applying make-up and/or deodorant - sadly, always an increment of 5 brush strokes/deo applications (or what have you).  This one gets tricky, because if it feels wrong, I have to start all over from the beginning....gets very time consuming!

  • Pump shampoos/conditioners - you guessed it, gotta be an increment of 5 pumps.

  • "To Do" Lists - I will literally create something that I can check off immediately for the sake having an increment of 5.  This goes for all lists....

--- to prove to you my level of crazy, I had "applying make-up" and "applying deodorant" listed as two separate bullets, but was forced to combine them to ensure I had an increment of 5 bullets listed above! ---

I also memorize numbers - credit card numbers, telephone numbers, birthdays, license plate numbers....It's really kind of nutty.  And I do not just limit it to that! 

I will somehow break numbers down to have meaning when I "see them in nature."  For example, if a semi-truck drives past me with letters and numbers on the side of the trailer, I will undoubtedly be able to break the combination down to correlate to a birthday, someone's initials, you name it.

And things always, ALWAYS, have to be strategically placed.  On my work desk, in my jewelry box, etc.  I physically go into a state of panic if things are not tidy and in order....

Everyone who knows me always jokes around that I am super OCD and losing my mind.  Which could potentially be the case.  So what is the verdict?  Am I truly OCD or just a little bat shit crazy?!

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