Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Favorites

  • Baby Bonacci - Calvin Lewis Bonacci made his debut into the world at 12:16am this morning.  He weighed in at 8.1 lbs and was 21 inches in length.  Mama and baby are doing well. 

  • U.S. Olympic Trials - More to come on this, as it deserves a post all to itself, but the 2012 Olympics are quickly approaching and the trials have been airing on TV for a number of sports - gymnastics, swimming and track & field.  For me, the swimming is where it is at - I cannot get enough and cannot wait until London!

  • Air Conditioning - We hit the 100 degree mark yesterday and trust me when I tell you it was completely miserable.  The air was so thick and muggy - just gross!  On the flip side, I am staring out the window to complete darkness at 11:25am.  Looks like a storm is a brewin'!

  • This Guy - because he has been gone all week!

  • The Girl Who Played with Fire - This one took me much longer to read than the first one.  I just could not get into it at first, but it finally picked up.  I have about 100 more pages to go and cannot put it down!


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Call Me, Maybe?

Is anyone else very curious to find out the outcome of all of this?  I mean....did he call?  For the love of God, can someone please get ahold of Carley Rae Jepsen?!

I, just like everyone else across the country, cannot seem to get this song out of my head.  EVER!  It certainly did not help when it was played on repeat a good ten times in a row at the BBQ I attended last weekend.  It is an epidemic! 

Even Justin Bieber and friends cannot get enough.  F it, let's just own it:

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Are You Afraid of the Dark?

No, I am not referring to the awesome SNICK TV show from the 90's that we all know and love.  What I speak of is the sad reality that I am a 28 year old woman who is still suffering from a fear of the night.  While I am not actually afraid of the dark itself, it is more so the things that have the potential to "appear" in the night - ya know, your standard issue burglars, serial killers, ghosts, vampires....  Submitted for the approval of The Midnight Society, I call this story....The Tale of the Sleepless Nights.

I certainly never did myself any favors in attempting to kick this fear at an early age.  Growing up, I was required to read quite a bit in school (plus who did not want the free personal pan pizzas through Book It!?) and while I did read a lot of The Baby Sitter's Club series, my focus was almost exclusively placed on the then-relevant horror books.  In elementary school it was R.L. Stine's, Goosebumps series, then I grew into the "big kid" series like Fear Street, Christopher Pike (specifically The Last Vampire series - I was totally into vampires before Twilight was cool) and throw in an occasional Nancy Drew mystery while we are at it. 

I seriously should have been a detective or something - career change?!

What is most interesting about my love for these thrillers, however, is that I almost always did the bulk of my reading at night, right before bed, and my bedroom was connected to the attic - which I was convinced was filled with ghosts.  Genius.  To this day, I do this to myself.  Reading books like The Girl Who Played With Fire right before I go to sleep and then toss and turn all night, all the while wondering why?

You also may have noticed I included ghosts as a potential night terror.  Without delving too much into the details, I was "visited" in dreams on two separate occasions by two different friends who had been gone for quite some time.  The entire basis of each of the two dreams was that I was fully aware they were dead, and so were they, but they were just there.  Hanging out with me like it was a normal day. 

I realize the underlying insanity within the information I have just disclosed; however, it is because of this reason that I am terrified of experiencing a real life run-in with a ghost.  And to be honest, I have no idea why?  Both dreams were pleasant and it was good to "see" my friends again, but the thought of being "haunted" - even in a nice way - sends me right into a state of panic.  Or maybe in my dreams everything is still just that - a dream.  Whereas a real life encounter would also make it just that - realPerhaps, after all this time, I am still not ready to let go?

No matter how I attempt to explain this to myself, it is quite evident that I have not learned my lesson - when you read scary books before bed time, it will result in a sub-par sleeping situation at best.  Maybe once I am in my 30's I will be wiser?  Until then....I declare this meeting of The Midnight Society closed.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

I Like LeBron James. Deal With It.

I realize "like" may be perceived as a very strong word when used in the same sentence as LeBron James, and I will surely get a lot of flack for posting my opinions on this topic, no doubt.  Perhaps I should say that I respect the talent of LeBron James more than anything, but I do on some level actually kind of like him, if I am being honest.  He is good for the game, I believe that. 

This is an ongoing debate in my family of two.  I can honestly sit here and say that this is the one and only  topic of discussion that my husband and I disagree so strongly about that it almost always results in a heated conversation.  Let's be honest...if LeBron James is the worst of our problems, I think we are bound for success, no?! 

I am sure you are reading this and thinking I am completely off my rocker as well - a lot of people do, and that is fine.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but let me lay out the facts for you, from my perspective, for the avoidance of doubt:

  • Do I think he acted like an idiot? YES.
  • Do I think he probably did have good intentions, but did not entirely consider how poorly it would be perceived?  I THINK SO. 


  • Do I think he deserves to have the right to be traded in free agency and utilize his talent as a business  just like the teams he plays for do?  WITHOUT QUESTION. 

All of these things (among many others), of course, are debatable and I am not here to turn haters into supporters.  I do agree that there are a number of reasons to dislike the manner in which he and his teammates chose to parade themselves around during free agency, creating false hope for teams like the Chicago Bulls, but I also think there are a number of reasons that LBJ deserves a little more love to be thrown his way.  Above all, however, the guy just wants to win.    Can't we all agree on that?

I live in Chicago, and when the possibility of Dwyane {yes, this is actually how he spells his name} Wade and LeBron joining D. Rose and taking their talents to the windy city was still in existence, trust me when I say the entire city was on board.  Had The Decision resulted in an announcement to relocate here, the great people of Chicago would be feeling entirely different than they are now.  Sure, Cleveland still would have been pissed, and rightfully so, but only for an acceptable grieving period.  Seriously, Cleveland, it is time to move on.  This has been strung along for such a long time and made out to be this messy divorce when, at its core, the NBA is a business.

Alas, we are a nation that loves to criticize, but we also love to hate.  We inherently root for the underdog, just because - perhaps because we cannot resist a great story, but that is just what the tall tale of the whore of Akron is.  A great story.  So why can't we let it go?  The seemingly never-ending saga of the The Decision and the extreme levels of hate that were generated in its aftermath may never die down, but at least LBJ now has the hardware to show for it.

As a friendly reminder, let us not forget that we are all entitled to our own thoughts and opinions, but come on guys, if someone like Michael Vick deserves a second chance, do we not think LeBron James does too?

Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday Favorites

  • LeBron James - Yep.  You read correctly (and I have a blog post to come about this - perhaps tomorrow?!).  Congrats are in order for LBJ as he now has his first Championship (along with MVP honors) under his belt.

  • Smoked Fried Chicken from Lilie's Q - Simply delicious.  If you live in the Chicago area and have not tried this place yet, you totally should.  The food is great and the presentation is even better.  They serve their drinks in mason jars, everything comes on a metal tray, lots of cast iron skillets of varying sizes and the smoked fried chicken comes with a mini jar of honey with a mini honey comb stick - you honestly feel like Winnie The Pooh! All of that and they offer 6 different varieties of BBQ sauces to choose from - every bite can be different!

  • Pinterest Hair Styles - I am discovering so many fun, new ideas for updos during these next few hot summer months, thanks to Pinterest!

  • EOS Lip Balm - I cannot get enough of these - they are so cute and easy to locate in your purse.  They come in a variety of flavors, but my favorite so far is the honeysuckle honeydew!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Write A Post, Help A Dog

C'mon guys, who looks at this face and does not melt a little inside?!

For the past two years, Pedigree has teamed up with bloggers across the country through the "Write a Post, Help a Dog" initiative.  The program has generated nearly 650 blog posts to both create and raise awareness to support the importance of adoption and the need to feed sheltered pooches.  Last year alone, the blog entries resulted in a donation of 2,980 pounds of Pedigree's then-new dry dog food to shelters that had been hit by Hurricane Irene.

This year, a team of bloggers who are sponsored by Pedigree (like this one) are teaming up once again at the BlogPaws Pet Blogging Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah to continue the success.  Effective immediately and active until midnight on June 30th, for every blog post written with reference to the "Write a Post, Help a Dog" project as well as Pedigree's commitment to the adoption of and placement into loving homes for shelter dogs, Pedigree will donate 1 x 17 pound bag of their dry dog food to shelters in need - up to 450 bags!

So that is the goal for 2012 - let's help them generate 450 blog posts to ensure Pedigree can donate the grand total of 7,650 pounds of food to shelters in need across the country! 

At a loss for words?  Check out the below, or I grant you permission to copy/paste my own post....but only this once!

It can be your good deed of the day and do not forget to wear your badge of honor proudly by showcasing the below on your blog (and in your post) for all to see.  Like me! 

After your blog post is up, be sure to link it to the Pedigree Blog Hop (below) so we can spread the word to our friends, family and beyond!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

WTF Is Going On?!

Is anyone else having issues with Blogger or is it just me?  When I go to view my blog, the font is not the correct font.  When I log in and go into advanced settings to make sure everything is correct, it is listed as being my correct font, but it is not displaying that way.  What gives?!

Me being the perfectionist that I am, this is driving me completely insane.  I must get to the bottom of this madness!

Monday, June 18, 2012

I've Still Got It....

Last Thursday I was in a mad rush as I was getting ready for work, trying to get out the door to catch the train.  We had returned from Sedona late on Wednesday night, so I tried to maximize as much sleep as I could - of course this resulted in absolutely no possible way to take my time getting ready.  As a result, I walked out the door and realized I did not have on my wedding/engagements rings.  Epic fail!

The day went on as usual, just feeling a little "naked" on the left hand without any hardware, but on the way home I experienced a very unexpected encounter....

Let me preface this by saying I completely zone out when I am reading.  I get so focused that I can literally block out everything around me.  That being said, I was deep into The Girl Who Played with Fire when I was startled by the man sitting on the other side of the train. 

He was a good looking guy in a suit.  Not my type, but a good looking guy none the less.  "Psst, Miss.  Hey, miss...."  Who knows how long he was trying to get my attention, but he had broken my concentration and there was no way of pretending I did not hear him.  The conversation went on as follows:

ALI: "Yes?"

GUY: "Hi, I saw you getting on the train this morning and I just felt like I needed to tell you, that is SUCH a great shirt."

ALI: "Oh, thank you."

GUY: "No, really.  I mean, it is SUCH a great cut on you, and a great color too."

ALI: "Aw, that is nice - thank you."

GUY: "I mean it.  The color really compliments your skin and goes great with your eyes."

ALI: feeling a bit awkward at how long this has gone on....should I compliment his outfit too?!  "Thanks."

{awkward silence}

GUY: ...leaning over the railing where luggage goes with hand reached out across the aisle for a handshake.... "I am Chris, by the way."

ALI: "Hi, Chris.  I'm Alison"

{at first, it seemed as though he was just being nice, but then the realization that he most likely does not want to be my friend sets in.  a state of panic ensues as I remember I do not have my wedding/engagement rings on and he would think I was lying if I needed to jump to that conclusion.}

This lull in the conversation was timed somewhat perfectly, as the train was slowing down and pulling up to my stop.  Then I remembered...

{Shit, he saw me this morning!  That means he is getting off at this stop too!} 

Luckily, we were seated on opposite sides of the train and he got shuffled around in the crowd a bit.  I noticed out the window that he lingered at the bottom of the steps very briefly, but when I did not appear right away he decided to continue on. 


As I stepped off of the train and walked my way into the clear, I had to smile.  I have not been hit on in a long time and that was a relatively harmless encounter.  I more so went into a state of panic because I did not want to be deemed a liar without evidence that I am, in fact, married!  So, of course, I walked in the door and immediately shared the story with my husband.  He got a real kick out of it as I reminded him that I've still got it..... 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Favorites

  • L'Auberge de Sedona - Truly one of the most amazing places to visit.  They offer top notch customer service and we will continue coming back to them for years to come.  A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

  • Pink Jeep Tours - this more than exceeded my expectations.  To say they take you off-roading would be putting it lightly.  They take you to the top of the red rocks and everywhere in between.  Worth every penny.

  • Oaxaca - I already miss you.  Not only do you serve some of the best Mexican food I have ever consumed in my life, but you prepare your foods with integrity and only the best quality ingredients on hand.  Oh...and your margaritas are not too shabby either.  LOVE!

  • Bailey Boo - I missed her while we were gone!

  • Summer Fridays - This may be a repeat from a couple of weeks ago, but it is even more appreciated after returning to work from a relaxing vacation.  Given my company does not grant us the typical "leave at noon" policy, but we still get out at 3pm if our work is complete.  Taking full advantage!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Back To The Grind

A lot has happened since I last posted - mainly traveling and vacation time, but a few other things here and there as well....  For example, the day we left for Sedona, my brother and his wife announced that they are expecting their second child!  That was one way to jump start the trip, to say the least.  Another was the trouble starting the motor on the plane - this minor setback led to multiple Bloody Marys in flight.  Oops!

No signs of baby #1 for my best friend either, so we are still playing the waiting game there.  She is very eager for him to make his debut though, that I know!  She kept us updated while we were gone and it looks like he will probably arrive closer to the end of June, as initially thought, after all.

The trip was amazing, per usual - Sedona never seems to disappoint.  A lot of hiking and spending time outdoors in the red rocks and down by Oak Creek.  Sedona is such a beautiful and special place, truly.  We are so very lucky to have had the opportunity to share our big day with our closest of friends and family in such an unforgettable location.  We could not have asked for more!

I was in a bit of a panic heading out to Sedona on Friday, however, as I discovered the memory card to my camera was in the possession of one my friends.  She borrowed the memory card and failed to return it upon completion of her use.  By the time I realized it was missing, it was too late.  Luckily, we have a Flip and a Sony Bloggie, both of which have limited photo capabilities. 

In using the Bloggie, we came across a number of videos that our dear friend, Jinna, was nice enough to capture on our big day.  We had such a good time watching the footage on our anniversary as we were able to relive the events from the day.  Truth be told, we did not arm Jinna with the proper equipment necessary for securing the highest quality of footage, but she is a producer, and extremely talented, so she made it work.  In watching the clips, it reminded me of the amazing video she so thoughtfully put together for us following our wedding, check it out:


The past year sure has flown by and I could not believe we were already celebrating our first anniversary.  We had a great time and plan to have many more trips to Sedona in the years to come.  Check out the For Fun section of the blog for pics from our trip!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sedona Bound

Ahhhh....  So much to do, so little time.  My hubby and I are heading out west tomorrow morning for our 1 year anniversary!  Our actual anniversary is on Monday, but we are heading to Phoenix tomorrow for the day/night to spend time with my grandparents and then heading up north to Sedona early on Saturday morning.

We got married out in Sedona last June and could not wait to make it back out there!  We are staying at the same place we got married at, L'Auberge de Sedona.  If yo have not been there, I highly recommend you go!  The hubby has never been to the Grand Canyon before, so we are going to make a day trip up to the south rim so he can see what all the fuss is about.  It is truly amazing, so I am excited for him to finally see it.  Plus, I am a total rock nerd so I get into that kind of thing.  Seriously, I was obsessed with rocks, stones, gems, etc. as a child. 

Other than that, the plan is to go hiking everyday, enjoy some great food and hospitality, and - above all - relax.  We are really looking forward to it!

P.S. My best friend is expecting her first child any day now and I just have a feeling it is either going to happen while I am on the plane on my way out there tomorrow, or on the plane on my way back next week when I am not accessible.  EEK! 

.....Or maybe it will happen on our anniversary instead?!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Plague

Wow!  I was really out of commission there for a bit.... 

I ended up heading back to the doc on Sunday morning, after my symptoms had not really improved and my husband was starting to come down with the same illness.  Apparently there is a 10-14 day bug that has been making its way through Chicago for the past couple of months, and we were lucky enough to have fallen victim to the plague.  Here's the kicker - it is essentially untreatable (aside from your temporary relief medications) and you have no choice, but to let it run its course. 


I was finally back at work yesterday, but not feeling great.  Today I am starting to feel a little better, but this cough is wicked!  I keep joking that I have whooping cough, because it is honestly non-stop.

I have taken it upon myself to capitalize on this opportunity and schedule a long overdue physical later this summer with my doctor, however.  Silver lining?!  I am now making sure to stay on top of my daily vitamins and supplements, too, as I prepare.  I even went out and bought one of those pill cases for every day of the week - ya know, the ones reserved for the 90 year old women?

I am not ashamed to admit that I am beyond pleased with my purchase - it is awesome!  What can I say, I have an organizational obsession?!  All my vitamins and supplements fit nicely into each compartment and it is small enough to carry in my purse.  Not too shabby!  Is this what it feels like to get old?