Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday Favorites

  • LeBron James - Yep.  You read correctly (and I have a blog post to come about this - perhaps tomorrow?!).  Congrats are in order for LBJ as he now has his first Championship (along with MVP honors) under his belt.

  • Smoked Fried Chicken from Lilie's Q - Simply delicious.  If you live in the Chicago area and have not tried this place yet, you totally should.  The food is great and the presentation is even better.  They serve their drinks in mason jars, everything comes on a metal tray, lots of cast iron skillets of varying sizes and the smoked fried chicken comes with a mini jar of honey with a mini honey comb stick - you honestly feel like Winnie The Pooh! All of that and they offer 6 different varieties of BBQ sauces to choose from - every bite can be different!

  • Pinterest Hair Styles - I am discovering so many fun, new ideas for updos during these next few hot summer months, thanks to Pinterest!

  • EOS Lip Balm - I cannot get enough of these - they are so cute and easy to locate in your purse.  They come in a variety of flavors, but my favorite so far is the honeysuckle honeydew!

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