Monday, September 17, 2012

Living In The Past

Seriously....My company refuses to jump into the 21st century.  For the love of God, when is RIM finally going to go out of business so we can upgrade to iPhones?! 

Don't get me wrong, I have been a devout BlackBerry user for the past 5 years, and was adamant that I preferred the BBerry to the iPhone when it first came outNow?  I just want to be one of the cool kids.... 

I am a Verizon Wireless snob, so for the first couple of years the iPhone was available, I was hell bent on taking a stand against it.  Oh, you had an app for that?  Well, I had a map - and its coverage far exceeded the use of your cool and innovative capabilities.

That being said, now that Verizon offers iPhones, I want to jump on the Apple bandwagon too!  With the new iPhone 5 coming out, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to stay committed to the BBerry as its data speed and technology continues to fail me.

Help!  How can my colleagues and I plead our case that the iPhone 5 is going to be a far better option for us moving forward?!  Our office administrator claims the tech support for an Apple device is not as up to snuff as RIM/BlackBerry - is this true?!  I find that pretty hard to believe, considering how many companies have implemented the use of Apple products within the past few years.  Seems sketchy to me.....

What do you prefer for business purposes - iPhone or BlackBerry?

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