Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Older, But Wiser

It is funny what just a few years will do to a person.  That significant jump from 24-27, where you really become a true adult.  A grown-upRespectful of others and their feelings.  Grateful of your life and those who have helped you create it.  At one with who you have become.  And, above all, mindful and considerate of those who continue to stand by you through it all.  For without them, you are nothing.

It is at this point in your life when you finally feel as if you might actually have your shit together.  When the realization that you are somebody sets in.  When the level of appreciation for those who have made you who you are comes full circle.  Only at this point in your life, do you have a full understanding of what it means to be self aware.  To embrace yourself and all that you are - including your flaws.

So often it feels as though we miss the mark in acknowledging the fact that we are not, contrary to popular belief, perfect.  Or that our way is not always the right way.  Perhaps by our late 20's, we have had enough "real life" experience to off-set what we thought we knew - which was most likely everything.  It is said it takes a bigger person to admit their faults, while that is partially true, I say it takes a wiser person to do so.  A more well-rounded person.  A better person.

As I near 29, I am thankful that I have reached this pivotal point in my life.  By being aware of myself, my actions and how they may impact others, I can truly appreciate and value the relationships I have established throughout my journey (thus far!). 

It gives my life great meaning knowing I have such prominent figures caring so deeply for me as a person, a friend, a daughter, a granddaughter, a sister.....the list goes on.  While it is wonderful to feel so highly regarded and respected by these people, I never undervalue where these same people stand in my own eyes.  For the feelings are mutual and they are all, truly, priceless.

I guess the moral of today's story is this: tomorrow is not promised, do not regret the actions you make today and never underestimate the value of the relationships you hold so dear.

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