Thursday, September 20, 2012

Out With The Old, In With The New

I, just like every other girl in the world, am so excited for boots season!  Which also means it is time to make the transition in my closet from summer apparel to the fall/winter attire.  I should be so excited to do this, but.... lately I am feeling a little stale on my wardrobe selections.  I feel like I am turning to the same old items of clothing week after week....probably because I am.  I am in desperate need of a wardrobe make-over!

In an attempt not to break the bank, I am considering hosting a "swap style party."  Have you ever heard of this?  I had not until I was reading the most recent issue of InStyle (although, it might have been last month's issue now that I think about it?).  Either way, it sounds like a lot of fun and an inexpensive way to revamp your closet.

This is the CliffsNotes version, but essentially you follow the below instructions:

  • Send out your guest list and ask that everyone contribute 10 pieces they would be willing to part ways with, all in varying price points. 

  • You, too, will contribute 10 pieces in the same varying price points. 

  • Set everything up as if you were shopping in a store for everyone to browse.

  • Exchange pieces accordingly within the select price points.

Obviously there is some variance in my rules above as compared to what was outlined in the article, but I am having a hard time locating the article online, so this is what you get!  Sounds like a pretty great concept though, right? 

The whole idea of having the varying price points is perfect, that way it forces all participants to contribute more than just those items that may no longer be in style.  Instead, it really allows everyone to take a deeper look into their closets, really challenging ourselves to identify those items we absolutely cannot live without as opposed to those that are just, well, there.

I will let you know if I end up doing this.  The key will be finding the time between work travel and the upcoming fall weddings!  Perhaps the quickly approaching fall weather will provide motivation to do so before I go crazy with my online shopping.....

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