Tuesday, April 1, 2014


FINALLY!  It's over. To say this season made it really difficult to remember why I have stayed so committed throughout the 9-season run would be putting it lightly....

Initially, I was one of the millions of fans who was extremely disappointed in what I was watching last night. I felt misled in the same way I did when LOST ripped my heart out. Oddly enough, many critics shared these same sentiments as I found in reading the many reviews today - one from the very reputable, Jason Hyland:

That said, and now that I have had the chance to process everything, I think I am more understanding with what played out on screen - though I still feel it goes against everything the show has taught us to date....

In what was otherwise a somewhat unrealistic portrayal of adult friendship - daily meetings in bars despite growing older, having careers and raising families - the series took it upon itself to throw an extreme dose of reality our way to end it all.  I think that's why everyone has such issues with it - it was always so dramatized and that's what we all wanted to believe.  By giving us a reality check, despite actually staying true to the core story line that has followed its way through the series since episode 1, it was just too much for us to handle.

In the end, it will forever live in syndication.  There are too many good things about the 9-year run to throw it all away on a finale that did not play out as we all had hoped - but let me stop myself there...  Didn't it really end how we all wanted it to all along?  Ted and Robin?!

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