Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunday Favorites

I'm a little behind this week since I have been out of pocket and traveling for work. So forgive the Friday Favorites coming at you on a Sunday night. Better late than never, right?!

Derby Tickets - Holla! The Kentucky Oaks/Derby tickets arrived this week. We are only a couple of weeks out now - I should really start planning my outfit!

New York Weather - I have been in NY since Thursday and the weather has been so great. I cannot remember the last time I didn't have to wear a puffy coat, so this has been a nice change of pace.

Josh Duhamel - I work with celebs on a daily basis. Some are a huge disappointment, some are just blah and some are actually great. But this guy....Hands down the most grounded of anyone I've ever worked with. We had such a great time with him on Friday and Saturday. 

Scarpetta's Duck Foie Gras Ravioli - Sinful. This dish was rich enough to be a dessert. Thank God it wasn't, however, because I followed it up with the most ridiculous peanut butter chocolate ganache with peanut butter gelato. Cheat day!

Old Faces, New Places - While the trip to NYC was meant for work only, I decided to extend it through Monday to enjoy some time with B and to catch up with old friends who have relocated to the east coast. We had an amazing time and cannot wait to come back and do it again!

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