Saturday, May 31, 2014

Happy Wedding Day!

Happy Wedding Day to this power couple. Today, we celebrate the nuptials of Amanda and Joe - FINALLY!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday Favorites

Summer Fridays - That's right, these are back in full effect now that Memorial Day is behind us! We don't execute this policy as well as most companies in our industry, but I happily accept the 3pm departure on Fridays during the summer months.

Birthday Wishes - To this guy, earlier this week!

Marriage - This week marked a whole lot of love as we celebrated an anniversary and prepare for the upcoming nuptials tomorrow. Team Marriage!

Old Faces - This weekend brings to town some of our close friends, all of whom have chosen to leave us for better weather (and better jobs, I guess...). Regardless, we are happy to have the gang back together for what should be a pretty bomb ass party!


Bourbon With A Splash Of Ginger - I. Can't. Stop. I found this zero sugar, zero calorie ginger ale and it has been game over ever since. Sure, I limit my intake to weekends only... But this has replaced red wine for me as of late.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Throwback Thursday - Wedding Bells

As we prepare for this weekend's festivities, let us remember that it is so not polite to make your guests stare at a wedding cake they cannot consume until you shove it in your partner's face. Especially an adorable flower girl who loves sweets and looks like this!


Wednesday, May 28, 2014


True to form, Johnny Manziel continues to aim high as he went to work in Vegas this weekend, where he felt his star would really shine. Lucky for me, I had a local correspondent on the ground who was fortunate enough to experience a few of Johnny's activities first hand.

In other news, this man on the street was also able to report that Johnny proceeded to make it rain (sadly) with $1 bills. Come on, kid. You're big time now - where are the $20s accompanied with bottle service for 50 of your best friends? Typical...