Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday Favorites

Birthdays Galore - Happy Birthday wishes are in order for Hannah and Becky. Today marks 31 and 28 respectively. Cheers!

Family Faces - My cousin is in town this weekend - in truth, to visit a guy, but I will take it!

Potbelly Secret Underground Menu - This was a beautiful explosion of all of my calories for the day. Fireball. Sandwich. That's all I have to say... This thing is CRAZY!  Meatballs, chili and cheese on the softest of breads. Sold!

Zanies - My husband and I hit up a comedy show last night at Zanies Chicago. Second City gets so much love, but you forget about the charm that is the compact little room/restaurant/bar at Zanies. I love to laugh...and what better way to do it than in a small, dark room with complete strangers?

Jay Pharoah - He was the main event at last night's comedy show. You know him from his gig on SNL, and he definitely didn't disappoint. Just the right amount of racist...

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