Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Soup For The Soul

Is there anything better? I could live on a soup only diet - if only my husband were more accommodating... After a total binge eating kind of weekend with our parents, a light week of food was in order.

On Sunday afternoon, we headed to the market to check out what was fresh and looked like it would work well when thrown together in a stock pot. That's the thing about homemade soup - you can go completely rogue and end up with the most delicious outcome! It's almost like being an artist with an entirely blank canvas. You get to experiment with flavors and create your own concoction. I love the creative freedom!

A fan of all things veggie, we decided to run with a light vegetable soup. While I typically love to slow cook soups - letting the ingredients cook down and really meld together - we cooked this one double time (because we were starving!) and it turned out perfectly. I'm always on the hunt for fresh ingredient ideas, but we went the traditional route - all-natural, fresh ingredients, a light base, yummy goodness...

  • Organic All-Natural Low Sodium Chicken Stock
  • Tomatoes, oven-roasted (2-4 large tomatoes, could substitute canned oven-roasted tomatoes)
  • Yellow Bell Peppers, sliced and seeded (2-3 small peppers)
  • Mushrooms, sliced (I opted for Baby Bella's, they have a meaty flavor that I love)
  • Carrots, peeled and sliced (2-4 large carrots)
  • Fresh Green Beans
  • Peas (could use canned or frozen)
  • Celery, chopped (3-4 stalks)
  • Yukon Gold Potatoes, peeled and cubed (3-4 small potatoes)
  • Onion, chopped (1 onion)
  • Jalapeno, sliced and seeded (1-2 small peppers)
  • Kale, chopped (4-5 large Kale leaves, could substitute Spinach)
  • Garlic, minced (3-4 cloves)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste

Needless to say, we are eating soup around the clock this week. It is a nice change of pace and an even better way of hitting the reset button without compromising flavor - or fullness for that matter! Pair it with a grilled cheese for dinner? Even better! When it comes to an amazing meal, I think we forget that the most simple foods can often be the most fulfilling...

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