Thursday, July 10, 2014

Throwback Thursday - Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Growing up, my brother and I spent countless days/nights during the summer months at our grandparent's pool. Truth be told, we lived in it. 

It appears that one year we had our sights set on taking up boating as an activity, and we decided to purchase a row boat. For a pool. Brilliant... 

This thing was huge. So huge that I have to assume it damn near filled the pool. If I'm being completely honest, I do not really have any memories of said boat outside of the photo - so that leads me to believe this was a very short lived venture.

Our parents must have thought we were incredibly dumb...or maybe they were proud of us for recognizing a real boat was completely out of the question? Either way, I think we missed the mark on this one, brother!


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