Friday, August 22, 2014

Travel Tales - Day 2

Day 2 - More travel... I realize this was my own genius idea to travel to the damn near most southern tip of Africa, but man.... It was so completely exhausting! Despite the various direction received from both United and Turkish Air, we ultimately ended up stuck with our coach tickets. 10+ hours in elf-size accommodations, coupled with what can only be referred to as a bodily functions battle of epic proportions, this was simply the Longest. Flight. Ever.

A bold statement, I know. On one hand, Brandon traded in his open mouth snoring for uncontrollable farting. And on the other, the woman occupying seat 24K (directly behind me) deserves a crown for seemingly never having used a stick of deodorant in her life. Seriously though, we could at least laugh at B's farts, which lingered only the appropriate amount of time - long enough to get a whiff, wonder who it came from, and then fade away.

A little shorter of an update today as there were no major items to report. After what seemed like a week, we finally made it to Cape Town in one piece and do not seem to be too poorly rested!  Once we got checked into the hotel and settled, we showered, grabbed dinner on the back patio and got in bed early. I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm sitting in bed before 8:30pm right now, fighting my hardest to stay awake just to write more in this piece!

Jason and Claire arrive tomorrow afternoon, around 2pm. We are looking forward to waking up early and getting an official start to our trip, finally, on Day 3!

PS - Happy Birthday, Dan!

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