Friday, August 1, 2014

Friday Favorites

Lollapalooza - The line-up isn't great this year, but the event itself brings many music and entertainment industry folk to Chicago - something that happens really only this one time a year. That means lots of meetings, dinners, breakfasts, drinks, etc. That also means time spent outside of the office, enjoying the industry company as a result!

Young The Giant at House of Blues - I love this band. We have seen them a few times in concert, but along with Lollapalooza comes the VIP access to all of the after parties. We will be partaking in this one on Saturday at the House of Blues!

The Leftovers - This show is next level depressing, but I love it. I can normally solve a story line very quickly, almost always well before it ends. Not this one. I am completely mind fucked every single episode and cannot quite figure out where this series is going. I'm addicted!

Mid-Day Workouts - I love afternoons where my lunch break can be spent going on a run. No stresses of waking up really early to get it in before's pretty fab. I was able to do this twice this week - game changer!

Uber-X - Did I really take a cab downtown, during rush hour, and only pay $9?! Why yes, I think I did... I can get down with this whole Uber-X thing!

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