Thursday, May 31, 2012

Upper Respiratory Infection = No Fun

Ugh.... I have been M.I.A. the past couple of days, because I am home sick. Boo! I am hoping to be back at it tomorrow, so will be sure to pick up with Friday Favorites as planned. My apologies for the lack of blogging this week!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My Name is Ali, and I Am An Online Shopping Addict

I wish there were some humor behind the title of this post, but, sadly, this has become a bit of a reality for me as of late.  Mostly, I blame it on my friends and husband.  Without their influences, I would have never signed up for any of the following:  Rue La La, Gilt, Ideeli, Haute Look, ShoeDazzle, Jewel Mint - I think that is all of them....  If I am being entirely honest, I should probably throw Express, Urban Outfitters and Victoria's Secret on that list as well, but only when they are having good sales!  See how I attempt to justify my actions?  Peer pressure....I am far too sensitive.

I am most definitely a repeat offender on Rue La La and Ideeli.  I feel I get the most bang for my buck on these two websites and they really provide, in my opinion, an array of options and price points for my personal style.  From funky clothes, handbags, jewelry and shoes to classic looks for work and business meetings, these two really capture nearly everything I am looking for in an online shopping resource.

Whereas Gilt is more so used for my husband and brother when I am looking for gifts.  I feel like this one has great male options, but not as great of female buys.  Of course, a great find comes up here and there, but for the most part this one is under utilized on a personal level.  Still a great resource, but not my top choice.

ShoeDazzle is a recently discovered diamond in the rough.  They just got rid of their monthly membership policy and now everything is accessible for free.  When I got wind of that, I signed up no questions asked.  I recently purchased two pairs of shoes and I am - in general - satisfied with what I bought.  My only comment would be on the overall quality of the shoes.  They are a little bit shittier than what I would have expected from Kim Kardashian, but for $39.99 I really should have no complaints whatsoever.  You get what you pay for, and this is a great resource for cheap, fun looks that leave you with plenty of money in your wallet to purchase something nicer in the future.  A "quick fix" would be the best way to describe ShoeDazzle for my personal use.

...this somehow turned into a review of deal websites and that was not my intent.  You can see how they all hold a specific purpose though, right?  I digress....

As great as these outlets are to have on hand, I have completely fallen victim to their sole purpose - create and establish a newly discovered need want as the shopper reviews the available sales from one day to the next.  Then, when the realization that I am able to afford these incredible deals that are being offered without blowing my monthly budgets, I suddenly have five new items in my cart and ready for checkout.   I am able to fuel my love for fashion as the daily deals allow me to broaden my own unique style, all the while keeping up with the latest trends and landing great designer buys for next to nothing.  Simply put, I. GET. PLAYED.

I feel it is worth mentioning that I have 0% credit card debt and would NEVER live beyond my means.  Having said that, I am now downgrading this to more of a hobby rather than an addiction, really (spoken like a true addict).  But just as with any hobby, if it is something you enjoy and it is taken away from you, or you are placed on a restricted practice without notice, you go through a bit of withdrawal.  Which brings me to today...  My husband has given me the challenge of not spending any money on clothes, handbags, shoes, jewelry, etc. from now until after we return from our 4th of July trip on July 7th.  NOTHING.

Is it just my own paranoia and fear of blowing it or does that seem like an extremely long time?! 

I have no doubt in my mind that I am capable of successfully executing this task, but as I see the daily emails and alerts for the sales on all of these various deal websites passing me by, I am wondering if it is truly worth it?  I am pretty stubborn, so there is always motivation there, but mostly my motivation is stemming from the fact that I have no more available hangers in my closet to accompany any new purchases at this time.  And I am pretty low on available space for any shoes as well, so there is also that

So what will I have learned from this little exercise when all is said and done?  While I am fully aware of and can appreciate the practice of savings, I have also learned that now is the time to clean out my closet, donate to Goodwill and/or Salvation Army and create some change....and available hangers....and space for growth....both figuratively and literally!

Happy {Belated} Memorial Day!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day yesterday!  While the BBQs and relaxation time were great, I hope we all remembered the significance of the day and took some time out to give thanks to the men and women of our armed forces - and paid tribute to those who have fallen.  For keeping us safe and preserving our freedom, we salute you!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday Favorites

It is so funny, I can tell the past couple of weeks have been pretty busy at work, because I am totally slacking a bit on the blog posts!  I went from daily coverage to every other day or so.  I am sorry!  I admit, I have felt pretty guilty about it too.  I guess it is refreshing to know that I am holding myself accountable, right?!  Here's to the start of a great weekend with Friday Favorites:

  • Weddings Receptions - Two of our dear friends are getting hitched this weekend and we are so excited!  The wedding is here in Chicago and the weather is supposed to be beautiful.  Hot, but gorgeous.  We will take it!  I am so very thrilled for them, but I also cannot wait until the reception to take full advantage of the open bar and display my latest and greatest moves on the dance floor!

  • Running - Finally!  I am back into gear...I think.  I started training for the Half this week and I am feeling good.  I have taken a little break from weight training to get back into running mode and so far it has been a success!  Now I need to start sprinkling strength sessions back into the routine...soon enough!

  • "Non-Holiday" Holiday Weekends - I love holiday weekends where you are able to just stay home and relax, having no obligation to travel like Thanksgiving or Christmas.  I realize that sounds horrible and heartless, it was not meant to.  I love my family, but my husband and I are so on the go with work and travel for work, it is nice to be able to sit back and relax every once in awhile!

  • Aloe Vera - Last weekend my husband and I went on a very lengthy bike ride along some trails while we were in St. Louis.  25 miles later, turns out I had not applied the appropriate amount of sunscreen and had sustained a bit of a sunburn on my back and arms.  The worst part?  My hands!  The top of my hands were fried from where I had been gripping the handle bar. 

  • Rescue Me - This was one of my favorite shows a few years back.  I somehow found myself behind a couple of seasons though and it was next up on our Netflix que this week.  I did not realize how much I missed it! 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Marathoner In Training

OK....maybe just a half marathoner, but it still counts!  Seriously, where has 2012 gone?  I signed up for a half marathon as an attempt to jump start my motivation in getting toned up for spring, and I realized yesterday it is only 9 weeks away.  Oops!  Looks like I better start training....

The good news is that I actually really enjoy running.  The even better news is that I am actually a pretty decent runner - especially long distance.  The best news is that I already have a half marathon, quite a few 10 & 15K's and a triathlon under my belt - so I know exactly what I have gotten myself into.  The bad news?  The bad news is that I have allowed myself to get incredibly out of shape over the winter.

OK, I may be exaggerating a little as to exactly how out of shape I am.  I could go out and run 5 miles right now if I had to, but it would not be fun.  I somehow managed to get myself into ridiculous shape for a triathlon back in 2010 and that work ethic carried over through our wedding in June last year.  After the wedding?  Well....after I got used to the relaxation on the honeymoon, lets just say I was not as into working out all the time and I started cutting back.  Then winter hit and it was all down hill from there - 5 days a week turned into 3 days a week and here we are....

I dove right into a training program this morning though and now I am ready to rock.  I tend to be pretty disciplined when it comes to training for races or events like this.  It helps keep my head clear, my stress levels down and it provides an end goal that I push myself to achieve.  I suppose I can chalk all of this up to a childhood filled of competitive swimming - endless 2 a day practices, dry land work, etc.  Any way you slice it, for whatever reason a focused training regimen always comes naturally for me.  I am super competitive too, so that never hurts on race day to keep the adrenaline pumping. 

I always like to start the race well behind what my pace group should be (they normally will have pace groups with signs to follow in order to stay on pace to meet certain times), that way no one will pass me and I can work my way up from behind.  I did this during my first half marathon and it worked out well.  So well, in fact, that I did not even turn on my iPod throughout the entire race!  I was so focused on weaving in and out of people that I barely even noticed I had no music until I had practically finished the race.

It is such a great feeling when you are competing like this and you are feeling good.  No cramps, no feeling of death, nothing.  You have trained properly and are fully prepared to kick ass.  I only hope 9 weeks is enough time for me to get back to that place....fingers crossed!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Fearful Flyer

hate the airport.  I hate airplanes.  I pretty much hate anything that has to do with the overall flying experience, to be honest.  Except, of course, the only silver lining being that you get to where you are going in no time flat.  I am always beyond thrilled when the wheels of the plane hit the ground, bringing me (safely) to my destination, but then again, there is always the uneasiness of having to do it all over again that sets in shortly thereafter.... 

Last night, I had a very short return flight from St. Louis.  This is legit no more than a 50 minute flight from gate to gate, tops.  This should have been the easiest of travel experiences....

{enter thunderstorms}

It should be noted that I am always on edge when flying, so I suppose you should take what I say with a grain of salt.  I am not so overly paranoid that anyone would be able to notice, but I am pretty much on the verge of an anxiety attack throughout the duration of the flight - specifically take off.  I just feel like we are not supposed to be up there.  I know it is insane, but it is just one of those things that has no real explanation.  Everyone has their fears, this one is definitely mine.

I have a set protocol that I must follow for every flight: lucky orange underwear, I wear every piece of jewelry that my husband has ever given me (who knows?!), I have to have a window seat - either on the wing or as close to it as possible (right in front of an exit row is my preference), I always order a water when the flight attendant takes drink orders (unless it is a special occasion and a cocktail or two is often involved) and I always pay close attention to the safety presentation/video prior to take off.  In fact, it actually really bothers me when people talk and do not pay attention during this routine formality - and it is almost always the asshole sitting in the exit row who is clearly not going to be capable of getting all of us off the plane in the event of a water evacuation!  Typical. 

However, I have discovered that when I am fully informed of what is happening around me, I can always deal with the excessive turbulence, the sudden changes in speed and/or altitude, the various unexplained noises, etc.  All because I know exactly what it is and what is causing it.  Perfect example:  United allows you to listen to air traffic control - I absolutely love this!  I will listen to them throughout the entire flight if I can, knowing exactly when we have requested to ascend or descend and the reasons why.  It is when I know nothing, and when something is clearly not right, that panic ensues.

Last night's flight was off to a terrible start from the get go.  We were on the plane, ready to leave, when they shut down the airport runways due to lightning within a 3 mile radius.  This was fine, I was fully informed and knew exactly what was causing the delay; however, when the lightning became visible and they allowed us onto the runway for take off, I was more than a little confused.  We were unable to take off previously due to lightning within 3 miles around us, but when it was directly overhead this was deemed safe enough for a giant metal object to project itself directly into the electrical outlet?  Brilliant.

Take off was bumpy, but we were told this would be the case.  This was all to be expected given the weather conditions, but I made sure to be on constant watch as we entered the lightning filled clouds that surrounded us.  If I am going to get electrocuted, I at least deserve to see how it plays out!  We were advised that we would be heading a little further west than originally planned and would then loop back around to Chicago to avoid the storms, but it would likely be a bumpy ride.  Perfect, bumps and everyone is aware of the situation - no reason to be alarmed.  So once we hit 10,000 feet, I turned on my iPad and started reading as I bounced around in my planned. 

About 5 minutes later, a loud *THUD* was heard (and felt).  This would not have bothered me had it happened while hitting turbulence a bump in the road, but this happened when nothing was going on.  Immediately, my mind started reacting, attempting to process what had just happened.  Did we get struck by lightning?  Did the engine drop?  WTF?!  I took a look around at the others on the flight to see if they, too, were concerned - this is a tactic I often use to calm myself if I feel like something is going wrong.  Before I could analyze the expressions of my comrades, the pilot came across the speaker and said, "Guys, we are pulling a Jasmine (I swear this is what it sounded like, I have no idea if this is the actual word he used).  Everybody just sit down and stay in your seats until we get to Chicago.  Flight attendants, you too, just sit down and stay in your seats.  Don't worry, we will still get you there on time."  Right away, we increased speed tremendously and - I swear to you - I have never travelled this quickly in a plane before. 

Sure enough, we landed right on time.  Bumpy as all hell the whole descent as we made our way through the lightning and rain, but we made it there on time nonetheless.  Bravo!  I am most pleased that the main concern was our safety that we arrive on time, and that our pilot made the executive decision to give air traffic control a big F you rather than flying around the electrical storms.  Now....can someone please tell me what the hell happened?!


Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday Favorites

Floral Print - I bought the cutest pair of floral print sandals from ideeli. I was always so anti-flowers anything, but I am digging this trend when done right - meaning, a little goes a long way!

In-Laws - I could not ask for better in-laws. I am so very lucky that my husband's family is so much like my own. This weekend we are in St. Louis celebrating my mother-in-law's retirement with the whole fam!

Pools - There is nothing better than having access to your own, private pool on a scorching hot day.

Fridays Off - 3-day weekend, need I say more?

The Suburbs - There is something to be said about being able to sit on a very large porch, drinking and listening to a symphony of frogs croaking. A nice change of pace from our city way of living, for sure.

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bathroom Etiquette

One of the most difficult tasks you may encounter throughout the course of the work day often times has nothing to do with your actual job.  Instead, it occurs every time you enter the jungle that is the public restroom - in my case, a three-holer.  You can see where this is going....

On a number of occasions, I have found myself in unique situations with my fellow toilet dwellers.  As such, I feel compelled to lay out for the world my thoughts on what (in my opinion) constitutes as appropriate bathroom etiquette and explain the set protocol to be followed should you ever find yourself in a bathroom debacle.

  • Flying Solo - This is the ideal situation.  You are In and Out without any disruptions and have your choice of stall.  While this seems straight forward, let me make it absolutely clear - you should never opt for the middle stall.  What if someone enters while you are occupying the facilities?  You are automatically violating their personal space by taking up the middle.  You always go right or left when the options are three wide - never middle.

  • The Tweener - This drives me insane.  Who goes into a public restroom to find all three stalls open and chooses to split the difference?!  Someone who must think PRETTY highly of themselves to think the next person through the door wants to sit on top of them.  This can also occur when someone enters the confines of the restroom and finds EITHER the right or left stall is in use.  Instead of being a normal human being and respecting the boundaries of others, The Tweener will set up shop next door as opposed to maximizing the space in between.  This is not the correct approach.  Should you find yourself in a situation where there is already an occupant on the right or left, you always choose the furthest stall option away from your fellow visitor.

  • In and Out - The well conditioned, self-aware guest.  This is the person who acknowledges their surroundings and acts accordingly given the situation.  They are cognizant of what is going on around them and calculate the length of their stay based on the information gathered.  They are in and out in no time flat, leaving their stall mate in a relaxed state and left to carry on as they please.

  • Girl Talk - One of the most annoying things that can happen to a female.  Going #2 is stressful enough, but a co-worker decides to make the trip with you.  Ugh...  Now you are forced to execute a Fake Out, pray your "friend" is not a Lingerer and quickly start planning your great escape from the office without anyone noticing.

  • The Fake Out - We have all done it.  This can happen in one of two ways:
1.) you are Flying Solo when all of a sudden you hear the footsteps coming closer.  You immediately finish up what you can and act as if nothing happened.  If you have the timing down to a science, you are already washing your hands by time the next visitor makes her grand entrance.

2.) The most disappointing thing that can happen on your way to the bathroom is that someone walks out of another office and beats you to the punch.  Then what?  You are stuck walking in after them and pretending to go #1 when really a #2 is what is necessary for the greater good of mankind.  In this scenario, you either immediately just wash your hands and leave, hoping for a better return in the next 5 minutes or so; or you wait it out: blowing your nose, washing your hands, whatever you can do to put off the inevitable and hope that the person you walked in with is moving forward with an In and Out.

  • Race to the Finish - Similar to scenario one in The Fake Out, the Race to the Finish occurs when you hear an intruder coming.  If you are fortunate enough to be close to completion, you are able to wrap things up without leaving any evidence prior to the intruder's entry.  While not ideal as it makes for a stressful finale, this one is relatively low on the scale of annoyance as it does not interfere too much with the original plan of attack.

  • The Lingerer - This is probably one of the most unfortunate situations, because you find yourself trapped and a whole new level of panic ensues.  You walk in, ready to get down to business and find you have a stall mate.  You do your due diligence and analyze your surroundings, gather the information available and process your findings.  All signs point to this visitor finishing up soon and being on their merry way.  You thought wrong.  This person is a fighter, a true competitor, who is not going to give up that easily.  At this point, it is all about will power.  You both have the same end goal, the only question is who is going to stick it out long enough to take home the prize?  As upset as your stomach becomes you have to force a smile, because dammit you respect the shit out of that person fighting the good fight.

  • Dodging A Bullet - One of the most rewarding feelings in bathroom etiquette.  You have taken care of your business and are making your way to the door as someone else is walking in.  God is looking out for you on this day, yes He is.

  • Courtesy Flush - This is an exercise that should be utilized more frequently, in my opinion.  You know what I mean... No one wants to walk into the stall and become witness to the crime scene that you have left behind.

  • Loud Talker - While I can appreciate that it may be drowning out the awkwardness of being in a public restroom with your porcelain loving friends, please shut up.  For the love of God, just shut up.  No on needs to hear about your ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend's pictures on Facebook and how pathetic she must be to post them.  But I ask you this, how pathetic are you for stalking her?  The point is, I should never be given the opportunity to question your personal life without knowing you as an individual, or even seeing your face for that matter.  The bathroom should be looked at as a safe haven, free of all negativity.  Like a spa of sorts - spas are quiet, right? 

As you can see, bathroom etiquette is an exercise that should be practiced daily.  I would even consider having this be a main focus of discussion in health class.  It is deserving of a proper education, no doubt.  Learning to be on the offensive instead of the defensive in a bathroom situation is an art, truly.  One that is mastered with years of experience and a developed confidence to simply not care as you come to terms that everyone poops.  Happy flushing!


Monday, May 14, 2012

The King Of The North!

Do you remember pretending to be characters from certain television shows growing up?  For me, it was mostly Saved By The Bell and Beverly Hills 90210 with a little bit of The Babysitters Club sprinkled in.  It was always a struggle to determine who was best suited to be the Kellys of the group - of course, you always wanted to be Kelly Kapowski or Kelly Taylor, because they were the prettiest and most popular, but the other girls from each of the shows had their upsides as well.  OK, maybe not all of them, but you get my drift.  I do remember being very torn as to whether I wanted to be Claudia or Stacey from The Babysitters Club though.  Claudia was the artistic/creative one, but Stacey was the fashionista from New York and she dotted her i's with hearts!

Fast forward fifteen years....the exercise has matured, but is very much still the same at its core.  In adult life, with adult friends, we are overly obsessed with Game of Thrones.  So much so, that we cannot have a normal conversation without somehow making a connection to the show, or at least analyzing our own reality as compared to what the characters from the show may have done.  It is a sickness, really.  An addiction.

It started off innocently enough, last 4th of July when a group of eight of us travelled up north to Door County, Wisconsin.  One drunken night around the campfire, Game of Thrones became a main point of discussion and the characters were assigned without hesitation.  It was here that I was given ownership to Arya (from House Stark) as my Game of Thrones identity. 

At the time, I had not read any of the books nor had I seen a single episode of the show.  Upon further investigation, it turns out Arya is a pretty great character and I have no complaints in being associated with the Starks.  It also does not appear that she dies throughout the course of the series - or she at least has a role in all of the books - which means I must be important.  Right?  As an added bonus for being born a Stark, you get a dire wolf as a pet - say no more, I am so in (you can see how this was a slippery slope...).  So there we went down the line, divvying up the characters to best suit each person in the group: Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, The Imp, Joffrey and Khaleesi.
Trust that I am fully aware of the ridiculousness of all of this.  I tried to fight it for a long time, but somehow got sucked into watching season 2 when it started a few weeks back.  I wish I could say I regret my decision to jump on the bandwagon, but I cannot.  The show is simply amazing, filled with complex story lines and so many twists and turns.  Now if I could only bring myself to read the books.....


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Be sure to express your appreciation to your mothers and grandmothers today. Remember, without them you would not be possible. Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers/grandmothers and soon-to-be mothers out there!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday Favorites

  • ShoeDazzle! - So I have known about this site for a long time, but it has recently changed its monthly fee policy and now I am hooked!  I signed up today (it is FREE!) and they took me through a series of questions so they were able to establish my personal style profile.  It was so spot on - free-spirited, artistic and whimsical!  It takes about 24 hours to put together my personal showroom for this month and I cannot wait to check back tomorrow and see what is in there!

  • Neon - I cannot get enough of this spring trend.  I have designed some mix and match outfits on Polyvore and I seem to continue to be drawn in to all kinds of subtle accessories featuring the trend as well.  Makes me want a neon slap bracelet real bad.  Love!

  • Catching Fire - This is the second of the three books in The Hunger Games series.  I read it in about two days this week.  Not as good as book one, but still a quick and entertaining read nonetheless.

  • Sunshine - It has been so sunny these past two days without a cloud in the bright blue sky.  I am totally one of those people who becomes mentally affected by the weather.  When it is sunny like this, it makes everything so much more pleasant to be around!

  • When Bosses Take Fridays Off - Best. Day. Ever.  It really sets the tone for the whole weekend when you are able to just relax and get through a busy Friday without anything standing between you and those next couple of days off.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


I would like to preface this post by making it very clear to all, I love my husband with all of my heart.  This being said, it is widely known that my husband is notorious for what I can only refer to as "unnecessarily dramatic freak outs."  They are typically brought on by acts of failure - hiccups with technology (and I mean all technology - computers, cell phones, GPS, fax machines, printers.....the list is honestly endless), excessive traffic (again - anything can spark these fits when it comes to traffic, but it is mostly brought on when he is unaware of the problem or the cause of said traffic is seemingly unexplainable or he deems someone a significantly inferior driver than himself), when he misplaces just about anything and cannot understand why I do not know where it is....things of this nature.

Today, I was fortunate enough to have my first experience with one of these dramatic freak outs from afar - while I was at work nonetheless.  You see, my husband is sick and had a doctor's appointment this afternoon.  Easy enough, right?  One would have thought....  Except that we have recently changed our insurance policy at my company and my husband is now on my insurance.  Upon his arrival to his appointment, it was very quickly brought to his attention that his card was not valid - his brand new insurance card, effective March 1, 2012...bring on the drama!

Sigh - I am a good wife though and say nothing, because I do feel bad for him (he has been traveling all week, he is sick, just wants his meds, to be on his way and to not have to pay a ridiculous amount of money for a simple urgent care visit....Seriously, America.  Where are we on this Universal Health Care plan, 'eh?).  Enough with the politics.....

In short, the moral of this story is that I find it completely ridiculous to freak out about things that are beyond my control.  So you have to sit in a traffic jam?  Sweet - I get to sing along to even more songs that I may have missed had this traffic jam not occurred!  The computer froze?  Sweet - I now have an excuse as to why I did not finish drafting that contract that I did not really need to be doing right now anyway!  Oh you do not know where the keys are?  Sweet - looks like the decision was made for us, we are going to the restaurant across the street for dinner instead! 

Small victories, people, small victories....

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

And The Winner Is......

Jermaine Paul?  REALLY?!  I had him slated for 3rd, behind Juliet and Tony.  Between the sudden change of accent upon the announcement of his victory, the obvious "feud" that had been suppressed throughout the season's entirety between X-tina and Tony and the overwhelming realization that I actually wanted Jamar Rogers to win, it was just way too much for me to handle.

Ali (8:05pm): Welp, 5 minutes in and we are just killing time.

Tom (8:09pm): This filler is a bunch of horseshit.  This show should have been an hour.  Tops.

Ali (8:10pm): ugggggh. Pip.  They sound really good though.  Who know, J5 would be the missing link for all of them?!

Ali (8:11pm): MJ, healing the world yet again.

Tom (8:12pm): James needs to get a freaking haircut.  He looks like an awkward school girl.

Ali (8:12pm): How dumb do you think Jermaine feels knowing Jamar is a thousand times better?  Even James Massone is on point!

Tom (8:12pm):  Michael Jackson makes them tolerable as a unit.

Tom (8:13pm): Jermaine has the last laugh though in the finals, but chances are they will all get scooped by record companies.  Carson is beyond awkward, who says "take that boy bands?"

Ali (8:13pm): I forgot Hall & Oates is peforming.  YES!

Tom (8:15pm): Oates will always remind me of Ross from FRIENDS going to prom.

Ali (8:19pm): These outtakes are great.

Tom (8:20pm): I've never seen a bad blooper reel.

Ali (8:20pm): I am genuinely terrified by whatever that was Adam was doing.

Ali (8:20pm): Flo Rida!?  This is gonna suck.

Tom (8:21pm): Hey now, he makes excellent blackout music.

Ali (8:23pm): Dude, she's a rocker and you have her singing club music.

Ali (8:30pm): Now this is just awkward.  Thank God for Katrina.  She is the only one worth a shit.

Tom (8:31pm): Katrina is mopping the floor with them.  When is someone gonna tell Pavao she is not a peacock....?

Tom (8:34pm): You think Christina's tits are upset they couldn't come to the finale?  They're trapped behind that banquet server shirt.

Ali (8:35pm): She's sick Tom.  I'm trying to go easy on her.

Ali (8:39pm): I love Adam and Blake together.  Blake is hilarious.

Ali (8:40pm): man, Daryl Hall.  Still got it.

Tom (8:42pm): Agreed.  Even if he does look like a Michael McDonald impersonator.

Tom (8:48pm): Really Jenny McCarthy?  That show looks like Survivor and Temptation Island.

Ali (8:49pm): I know.  How must she feel going from Singled Out to that?

Ali (8:52pm): Cheesa has lost weight.....or got a better stylist.

Tom (8:56pm): Kim and Cheesa carried a sinking ship.

Ali (9:02pm): Jamar getting mad love.  2 performances?  I want his leather jacket.

Tom (9:04pm): You are the conductor of the Jamar train.

Ali (9:04pm): I do dig him.

Tom (9:13pm): This is the filler I am talking about - I have never seen a cat montage, hopefully it will be the last.

Ali (9:15pm): No joke.  Every Lady Antebellum song sounds the exact same to me.

Tom (9:15pm): Just like Dave Matthews.  Sorry.

Ali (9:22pm): Ahhh, yes!  I love Fleetwood Mac.

Tom (9:22pm): Fleetwood Mac.  F yeah.

Ali (9:23pm): He actually could be Lindsey Buckingham.  You know what, I don't think I would be upset if Tony won.

Tom (9:24pm): Is it bad that I associate Lindsey with "What's Up With That?" on SNL?

Ali (9:24pm): Hahahahaha.  Bill Hader.  This is actually a really good duet.

Tom (9:25pm): Agree.  But if Tony does one more kick I'm gonna change the channel.

Tom (9:33pm): Pip should contact Glee.  Better match.

Ali (9:41pm): I hate myself for liking this Beiber song.  I cannot help it, it reminds me of early JT.

Tom (9:42pm): Haha.  I think everyone feels the same way.

Ali (9:52pm): Oh, I'm sorry.  How did I miss Xtina was only wearing underwear?

Tom (9:53pm): hahahahaha.  She is a kook.

Tom (9:54pm): I had Jermaine in 3rd, WTF?

Ali (9:54pm): I think he might win. 

Ali (9:55pm): Knew it.  He had that Alicia Keys pull.

Tom (9:55pm): I'm sick.  Pure robbery.

Tom (9:56pm): I'm happy for him - Juliet will have a bigger career though.  #saltyfinalcomments

So in closing:

  • Next year's finale should only be 1 hour long.  The filler this year was sub-par at best.

  • Michael Jackson remains one underlying theme in uniting a nation....and the world.

  • Xtina no longer feels the need to wear pants.

  • Tony Luca should go as a young Lindsey Buckingham OR Bill Hader as a young Lindsey Buckingham for Halloween this year.

  • Jamar Rogers should have won season 2 of The Voice....and he was not even in the finals.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

That Was The Voice Finale?!

I understand they had to pack a lot into two hours, but what were they thinking?  It lacked excitement and energy for me, and I can say this honestly as I took it upon myself to read a book as I watched.  The show did not have that "it" factor to really draw the audience in.  Everything was fine, but maybe that was the problem - there were no really great or shocking moments. 

The remaining contestants were asked to sing three different times - one final performance song as part of the competition, one song as a "tribute" to their coach and one duet with their coach.  I have to admit, there were a few moments here and there that were good, but overall I was just not that into it.  For whatever reason, it was not working for me....

Maybe it was because Tom decided to bail on this week's color commentary (do not fear, I rolled with the punches and opted to email myself all of the things I would have sent to Tom as we watched - I figured this was better than nothing?!) or perhaps that I am simply really into the book I am currently reading?  Either way, it just felt like the show fell short in comparison to last year's final performances. 

Ali (6:53pm): You ready?!?!

Tom (6:54pm): Ahhh I'm at a last minute concert.  Don't kill me!  No spoilers, Schwans.

Ali (6:55pm): OK, fine.

Ali (7:00pm): Well, already I'm happy because Juliet dyed her hair back dark.  Win.

Ali (7:04pm): Aww, Xtina is sick.  Put your boobs away, K thanks.

Ali (7:07pm): Ugh - I Believe I can Fly?!  Soooo lame.  That was the best you could come up with?!

Ali (7:10pm): Takin' it to the church - you are so sold.

Ali (7:13pm): I mean, he was really good, but we have seen that performance a thousand times.

Ali (7:19pm): I cannot even comment on how emotional he is.  Pull it together, man.

Ali (7:23pm): Great CeeLo song for her.  #TeamJuliet!

Ali (7:28pm): Ugggggggggh.  Chris Mann.  Whoa, is Xtina gonna get played on this?!

Ali (7:31pm): Dude, that dress is NOT working.  But she is so killer.  She is sick and still sounds amazing.

Tom (7:33pm): Tweaking out that I'm not watching.

Ali (7:33pm): Oh, don't worry.  I'm still sending myself everything I would otherwise be sending you.

Tom (7:34pm): OK, then I can fill in the blanks and pepper it with commentary.

Ali (7:40pm): Whoa!  99 Problems for Tony Lucca?!  I am sooooo nervous for this.

Ali (7:41pm): well, I don't HATE it.  It is somehow working?!

Ali (7:43pm): My God, can Xtina say ONE nice thing to him?  EVER?

Ali (7:45pm):  Adam is awesome.  LOVE. IT.

Ali (7:50pm): Of cooooourse he would choose this Xtina song.  Borrrrringggggg.  It's like he seriously thinks in his head, "what would be the most boring thing I could do on stage?" and then that's what he does each week.

Ali (7:54pm): Honestly, she is STILL hating on Tony.  Get a life.  He must have dumped her on the Mickey Mouse Club or something.

Ali (8:00pm): Man, I thought this Juliet/CeeLo duet would be a lot better than this.  It's OK, but not great.

Ali (8:07pm): Yes!!!  Yesterday as told by Adam and Tony.  Totally working.  They sound really good together.

Ali (8:12pm): Hmm, I actually think JP sounds pretty damn good singing Blake's song.  Impressive.

Ali (8:22pm): Another slow song from Chirs Mann - shocking.  I am so over this....

Ali (8:27pm): Is it just me or is this sort of a boring finale overall?

Ali (8:32pm): I am actually intrigued by Blake and JP's duet.  It should be so random, but it's totally working!

Ali (8:42pm): Oddly, I think Tony has been my favorite tonight so far.  To be fair, I love Maroon 5, but this was a good song choice for him (albeit, he f'ed up the words at one point).

Ali (8:50pm): Alright.... Let's end this thing on a high note - c'mon Juliet!

Ali (8:53pm): No way, she's doing Free Bird?  She will slay this.

Ali (8:56pm): She totally did.  Welp, it's in America's hands now!

Ali (9:00pm): I hope your concert was worth missing this epic event.  Jerk.

There is not too much to have learned from this week's show other than the following:
  • Tom was clearly so bored at the concert he was attending that he actually would have rather been at home watching TV.

  • Christina has some serious hate in her heart for Tony Lucca and she is not afraid to show it.

  • We will have a winner of season 2 tonight!


Monday, May 7, 2012

The Voice Finale - Tonight!

My vote goes to Team CeeLo all the way.  Not only is she the most deserving, in my opinion, but she is the only female left to hold it down in the competition - let's go Juliet Simms!

Be sure to tune in tonight and check back tomorrow for the recap, inclusive of color commentary, brought to you by yours truly....

Birthdays and Weddings and Babies, Oh My!

I was making sure I had my calendar up to date today and I was shocked to see how insane this summer is going to be - yet again!  I thought last year was crazy - planning a wedding and all - but this year is scheduled to give it a run for its money.  I always joke that we never have a free weekend and when we do, I feel like it is spent doing something work-related or an obligatory activity that cannot be avoided.  Sure, some of those are a blast, but being an adult is a real pain in the ass at times, I will say that....

  • May - PhD celebration brunch for a friend.  Two birthdays (I mean three - I did not forget you Tom Cat!).  A retirement party in St. Louis.  Two weddings: one in Atlanta and one in Chicago

  • June - Our 1 year anniversary will be spent re-living our wedding in Sedona.  Later that month my best friend will welcome her first bundle of joy!  Two birthdays to remember and a potential baby shower thrown in there as well.

  • July - My first trip to Texas (ever) to see my family's new digs in Houston.  A trip to Iowa for a wedding shower.  The hubby will be in Seattle for a bachelor party and I will be running a half marathon in his absence.  Let's go ahead and add in six birthday celebrations over the course of that month for good measure as well!

  • August - Lollapalooza (at least one day!).  Five birthdays (so what if one of them is my dog's?!).  Another wedding in Chicago.

Sprinkle in a little work and/or family related travel activity and you can see how quickly a year can pass you by.  I never really appreciated just how fast time flies, but I am definitely starting to realize I need to slow down and start taking everything in.  At the end of the day, I am beginning to understand that it is OK to say "no" every once in awhile.  Even if the only reason is that you need just one weekend to relax and do nothing.  Because we all deserve, from time to time, to relax and do nothing.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Weekend Recap

Sorry, everyone.  I failed to post my picks for the Derby prior to heading out to the track yesterday morning. I was running a bit late - oops!  Another year down and another close victory.  This year was the closest we have been yet to hitting it big time.  We picked the top 5 horses, but we needed Bodemeister (2nd place horse) to finish ahead of I'll Have Another (1st place horse) and we would have been filling out our tax forms. Bummer!  I won on some side bets, but there is always next year, right?!

We followed up our "loss" with a fun dinner with friends before we called it a night.  What a long day it was, but so much fun.  I am already planning for next year to make the trip back down to Louisville - we had a great time at Arlington, but nothing beats being a part of the live action at Churchill!  It was a nice "break" this year, I suppose, but we will be ready to rock in 2013.

Lots of relaxing and laundry today to get ready for another week.  I cannot believe it is already May - where has this year gone?  Luckily it is a rainy afternoon, so we do not feel too guilty for bumming around the house and catching up on some TV while we tidy up!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Favorites

  • Kentucky Derby - As mentioned in detail earlier this week, I am super jazzed for Derby weekend! Congrats to today's Kentucky Oaks winner, Rosie Napravnik, who became the first female jockey to win as she rode Believe You Can to victory. 

  • The Hunger Games - I know, I know. I am about two years late on this one, but I am adamant about reading a book prior to seeing the movie adaptation. I made one exception last year when I saw The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo prior to reading the book, but The Hunger Games seems to have taken over my mind. I could not put it down and cannot wait to see the movie!

  • Sprint Intervals - If you want to kick your own ass, start mixing these into your weekly workout routines. This is not the exact workout I have been doing, but sprint intervals, in general, are killer and will take your cardio training up a notch, no doubt.

  • Grey's Anatomy - Whoa, Dr. Kepner! Turning your back on Jesus and failing your boards? See you in hell, cupcake. This show has really found its groove again and I cannot get enough.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Schwan Man

I saw a banner ad online today that caught my eye - Schwan's is celebrating 60 years!  Now, this may mean nothing to some of you - and for that, I apologize for wasting your time - but for those of you who grew up with a giant yellow truck driving down your street, you can appreciate the excitement I felt when I found out this fine operation is still in existence. 

The Schwan Man was a pretty big deal in my neighborhood, but I never could have imagined it had this impact on a national scale?!  And to think, all these years I thought this was an exclusive business to a small, river town in Indiana.  I was compelled to click on the banner ad to see if it the modern day version of the company is as amazing as I remembered.  My mouth, of course, watering as the web page began to load with thoughts of chocolate chip cookies and cordon bleu delights filling my head (coincidentally, I had not yet had lunch).

And there it all its glory.  Schwan's has not only revamped its image, but it has evolved so well over the years!  Admittedly, I was a little discouraged with some of the aesthetic changes that had been made, so I knew immediately I would need to investigate further.  Sure, everything looks amazing and they seem to have established themselves as a little more "high end" of a brand than I remember, but still.  I needed to ensure that the integrity of Schwan's still shines through in its modern day practices. 

I have to admit, aside from the clear expansion of their menu items, the best practices still seem to be in place.  Everything I remembered was there: chicken cordon bleu and chicken kiev, check; corn dogs, check; orange push-ups (which are now referred to as push 'ems - I am sorry, I do not approve of this change), check; chocolate fudge sundae ice cream cups, check; chicken pot pie, check; cheddar bacon potato skins (I always took it upon myself to remove all of the bacon while they were still frozen, how little I knew about the deliciousness of food at a young age...), check; frozen pretzels, check; individual deep dish pizzas, check; what I deem to be the "original" ice cream sandwich, check; and probably the most important item on the menu, chocolate chip cookies, check. 

It should be noted that I was unable to confirm the packaging situation for the modern day chocolate chip cookies, but in my day, the cookies were almost never consumed after they had been baked - you see, I chose to eat them in the form of cookie dough prior.  They came packaged in a giant box with layer upon layer of pre-rolled cookie dough balls - perfection.  That box seemed endless, and the cookies were literally ready to be placed on an oven sheet for baking.  I remember my dad telling me I would make myself sick if I consumed the cookies prior to baking, and, of course, there was that warning on the box itself, but I knew better.  They were totally lying.  My stomach held up just fine as I snuck into the outside freezer day after day and slowly made all of the cookie dough in the never ending box disappear.  Sorry, I am not sorry.

Again, I feel the need to reiterate that Schwan's really seems to be holding up well against the test of time.  On some level, I feel a sense of pride in this company's longevity.  For so many years, my family contributed to their success and here they are with hundreds of menu items on top of celebrating 60 years of prosperity.  For those reasons, I feel obligated to note a few things I think should go back to the way they were - since I sort of made the company what it is today and all:

  • The uniform - The updated uniform consists of a red polo and khakis.  I would like to revert back to the old uniform that looked more like a maintenance man or mechanic.  Remember, the light blue tops with the navy blue pants or shorts (depending on the weather conditions)?  

  • The logo - well, see for yourself below (left: new, right: old).  Call me old fashioned, but I vote old!


  • The truck - seems to be more of a honey mustard color rather than the original post-it note yellow it used to be, but it is tough to say.  I am indifferent on this point.

All in all, it has come along quite nicely.  I was unable to confirm the exact ordering situation for the modern day Schwan Man, but my only hope is that it continues to be done door to door with this old school beeping machine as opposed to an ipad.  That thing was magnificent and I always wanted one.  Funny thing, I have never wanted to move out of the city until I re-discovered the existence of this fine operation today.  Turns out, life in the suburbs may not be that bad, after all!  Small victories....


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Voice Eliminations

No unnecessary text message banter required for this one....

Simply put, I think the judges (and the voters at home) got it exactly right.  The only real "surprise" for me was on Team Adam, with his Mouseketeer securing a spot in the finals as opposed to Katrina, who has a much more powerful voice.  Lacking stage presence, sure, but definitely a better voice than Tony.  He is holding down some serious Mickey Mouse Club love, I guess?!

In an odd coupling, Dia Frampton teamed up with Kid Cudi and it was.....well, it just was.  That is all I can make of it at this point.  I am just happy to see Kid keeping himself out there now that How To Make It In America has been cancelled, and Dia seems to be making a name for herself as well.

CeeLo teamed up with his protege from last season, but it was not as lively as I was hoping it would be.  Vicci Martinez actually sounded better than CeeLo, but it was just a rather boring performance all around.  That being said, it did not even hold a candle to the level of bad that was witnessed when Beverly McClellan and Cyndi Lauper took the stage.  It was...HORRIFIC.  Poor Beverly.  She actually has a great voice, but the screeching that was coming from Lauper's mouth as she tried to outshine McClellan made for a terrible pairing.

Then there was Javier Colon.  There to debut his latest single, he reassured us of what we all already knew - he truly was the best of the best last season.  The performance was a little boring for me (in general, I feel like slow songs are boring on live TV unless it is The Grammy's or something), but he sounded great.

All in all, a good beginning to the end for this season.  I am looking forward to next week's final performances show when the remaining four will give us a solo performance, a duet with their coach and another with to be determined special guests.  C'mon Juliet Simms!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

This Is The Voice

As showcased last week, it is no secret that Tom and I are both battling two relatively severe cases of A.D.D..  Please consider this your warning for the sporadic thoughts you may encounter below.  Without further adieu, I give you the recap of the live performances from last night's episode of The Voice:

Tom (7:00pm): Let the games begin!

Ali (7:01pm): At least Adam is starting to look hot again.  It was touch and go there for a minute.

Tom (7:05pm): Is Christina wearing a crown?  Looks like queen of the clown whores.

Ali (7:06pm): I know, man.  She was looking so fierce there for a couple of weeks.  Now she's looking borderline trashy again.

Tom (7:06pm): CeeLo's shirt!?!

Tom (7:06pm): Borderline?  Quit being so generous.

Ali (7:07pm):  Fine, she looks like a full blown tranny.  Happy?

Tom (7:07pm): Atta girl.

Ali (7:08pm): I am still like "whatever" with Tony.  I think he is OK, but....kinda boring.

Tom (7:09pm): Tony's son looks like Winona Ryder.

Ali (7:10pm): This is like a broke ass Robert Palmer, Addicted to Love wannabe.  Not feeling it.

Tom (7:11pm): Very true - he is very one dimensional, doesn't seem to have the vocals to take his performance to the next level.

Tom (7:12pm): I can't believe Blake said Robert Palmer.

Ali (7:13pm): Haha.  I should be a judge.  Or at least the host.  I'd be way better than Carson Daly.

Tom (7:15pm): You would kill it as a host.  I could replace Milian.

Ali (7:16pm):  I honestly cannot believe everyone liked that performance that much.  Did I just not get it?  I thought it was so lame.

Tom (7:19pm): This acoustic Guetta is gonna melt my face off.

Ali (7:19pm): Is she about to bust out some club music?!

Ali (7:19pm):  Haha.  I knew you would love it.

Ali (7:20pm):  I'm not gonna lie.  I am not really loving it.

Tom (7:21pm):  It's working in certain parts, but my face it still intact.

Tom (7:22pm):  Unsubscribe.

Ali (7:23pm):  Ugh, I know.  I wanted her to slay that.  I like her.  But she didn't.

Tom (7:23pm):  Maybe she was nervous because she was singing it to her dad?  I think that's why.

Ali (7:25pm): Yea, could be.

Ali (7:26pm): I think CeeLo is gonna be the team to beat. 

Ali (7:26pm): Xtina's team is straight up garbage.

Ali (7:26pm): I don't even want to listen to this guy - he's like nails on a chalkboard for me.

Tom (7:28pm): I can't stand him - my mom is a huge fan.  But then again my mom melted her Il Divo CD in her car.

Ali (7:29pm):  Is it bad I want to see Battleship?

Ali (7:29pm): I love Tim Riggins.

Ali (7:29pm): Ahhhhhhh.  Make it stop!!!!!!!  This isn't an f'ing wedding or a funeral.  NEXT.

Tom (7:30pm): Navy is our client, there's promo all over the office.  I'm pumped.

Tom (7:30pm):  But why does the move look like it's directed by Michael Bay?  Looks all transformers n shit.

Tom (7:30pm):  His "wife" looks like a woodland elf.

Ali (7:31pm): Haha.  She IS miniature.

Ali (7:32pm): 10 bucks - he will cry.  He will be "moved to tears by the music"

Ali (7:32pm):  He knows exactly how to work this.

Tom (7:32pm):  That's an easy 10 bucks.

Ali (7:33pm):  We might be wrong.  Dammit!

Tom (7:33pm):  He looks possessed when he sings, or receiving his first WS.

Ali (7:34pm):  Hahaha.  It's terrible that I knew immediately what WS meant.  I mean - yes, the guy can sing.  I'm just over it.  If he was more likable I'd be into it, but he's like cocky and kinda blah!

Tom (7:35pm):  Haha #codewords

Ali (7:36pm): I dig Jamar.

Ali (7:36pm): And LOOOOOOOOOOOVE Juliet.

Tom (7:36pm): He's got the older crowd locked up though.

Ali (7:37pm):  True.  Hope the Pope is watching.

Tom (7:37pm):  Can't subscribe to Jamar, I want Juliet to sweep.

Ali (7:38pm): Oh c'mon.  Do you not have a heart, dude has HIV!  He can't afford to make it disappear like Magic did.

Tom (7:38pm): He's prob DVRing it.  It's the middle of the night in Shitaly.

Ali (7:39pm):  Oh, I'm sorry - Eli Manning is hosting SNL?!

Ali (7:39pm): Milian has so many weaves.  Her hair is different colors every night.

Tom (7:39pm): Way to pick the ONE athlete that is a socially inept.

Tom (7:40pm): I get it I get it, everyone has a story on this show.  Sick parents, homelessness, it comes down to talent and he seems too Travie McCoy.

Ali (7:40pm):  You mean stellar musician who was boning Katy Perry before she WAS Katy Perry?  I don't mind Travie.  Ha.

Ali (7:42pm):  I can totally see you doing this same version of the song at a stand-up comedy show.

Tom (7:43pm):  C'mon, you can't add a church choir and not expect me to jump on board.

Ali (7:43pm):  You're such a sucker for God.

Tom (7:43pm):  I wouldn't mind a purple penguin tail coat.

Tom (7:44pm): It adds so much to the song #preach

Ali (7:44pm):  What the hell are you going to do with a purple penguin tail coat?  Please, enlighten me.

Ali (7:45pm): OK, so I didn't HATE it.  But I think he's done better in other performances.

Tom (7:45pm):  I could be Willy Wonka the next year?

Ali (7:45pm):  I do like that he totally remixed it.

Ali (7:45pm): Or The Joker.

Ali (7:46pm): He's so hype.

Tom (7:46pm):  Why does Christina feel the need to repeat performances.  Whatta kooooooook.

Tom (7:47pm): See, many uses.

Ali (7:47pm):  I really would like a shirt with a picture of Bailey in the shape of a heart.

Ali (7:49pm): Um, Escape Routes looks like a good time.

Tom (7:51pm): It looks legit, but why is it on Saturday's.

Ali (7:52pm): The Killers are getting mad love this season and I am LOVING it.

Tom (7:53pm):  Couldn't agree more.  They need to comeback already.

Ali (7:53pm):  Love them.  Best concert I've ever been to.

Ali (7:54pm):  Juliet and Jamar are slaying it.

Ali (7:55pm):  I want Jamar's hats.  All of them.

Tom (7:55pm): Yup.  This song is too rock for Katrina.

Tom (7:56pm): Haha easy deezy on the caps.

Ali (8:00pm): JOURNEY!  Odd choice, but I'm not hating it.

Tom (8:01pm):  This is one of my favorite songs.

Ali (8:02pm):  I think he will get voted through before Erin.  He's come on strong these past couple of weeks.

Tom (8:03pm): I was hoping for a church choir when that stage opened.  I'd agree with that.

Ali (8:03pm): Yikes, that note did not quite get there.

Ali (8:05pm):  I don't know how CeeLo keeps track of all his favorite songs.  He has about 100 of them.

Tom (8:06pm): He's a jolly fellow, everything is his favorite.

Tom (8:06pm):  I get pissed when the judges say, "I'm unfamiliar with that song"

Ali (8:06pm):  What are the odds that Jermaine Paul has or is cheating on his wife you think?  I mean....he tours with A. Keys.  Just sayin'.

Tom (8:08pm):  I'm sure he has a couple Betty's on the side.

Tom (8:08pm): These fucking Magnum commercials make me drool on myself.

Tom (8:10pm): They have mint and mocha flavors now, way to kick it up a notch.

Ali (8:10pm): I've never had one in America.  I reserve those delicacies for my overseas adventures.

Tom (8:11pm): Don't limit yourself.  They are good in any country.

Ali (8:12pm): Oh, I am sorry, Adam.  Lauryn Hill is your favorite?!  She is also a racist.

Tom (8:12pm):  If she torches this song, I am going to go start my car with the garage door closed.

Ali (8:12pm):  Hahaha - Why?!  I bet she nails it.

Tom (8:13pm):  Lauryn Hill also said her music isn't for white people.

Ali (8:13pm): Hence my racist comment.

Tom (8:13pm):  Did she have gastric bypass surgery?  She looks nothing like the beginning.

Ali (8:13pm): It's the hair.  And a good pair of Spanx.

Ali (8:14pm): And that's definitely a wig.  She totally killed it, but it was exactly like The Fugees.

Tom (8:15pm): Haha maybe she uses Luxe.

Tom (8:16pm): Christina is so passive aggressive.

Ali (8:17pm): Why is she always hatin' on that Mouseketeer?!

Ali (8:17pm): THANK YOU, CeeLo.  I was wondering if someone was going to give credit where credit was due.  Lauryn Hill remade that song, dumbasses.

Ali (8:17pm): #ripamy

Tom (8:18pm):  Who knows....She should be helping her former costar, she knocks him down a notch every show.

Tom (8:19pm):  How can you compare Lauryn Hill and Amy Winehouse?  Completely diff people in my book.

Ali (8:19pm):  No doubt.  OK, I have to call B really quickly.  I may be delayed in my commentary.

Ali (8:19pm): WTF?  Owen Wilson for Hertz VO?

Tom (8:20pm):  He's been doing those for awhile I think, strange.

Ali (8:37pm): Alright I'm back in action.

Ali (8:38pm): Um, I love Blake but I cannot deal with this.  I am fast forwarding.

Tom (8:38pm):  His performance?  Skip it.  Pavao is hypnotic.

Ali (8:40pm):  I am on her right now.  She sings like she has shit in her mouth.  I cannot understand anything.  That being said, this is easily her best performance thus far.

Tom (8:42pm): I didn't know the song, but I enjoyed it.

Ali (8:45pm): How much are you loving this Gaga cover?

Tom (8:46pm):  Can't get into it - the jean jackets are distracting me.  Wasn't a good song choice for that group.  The beat was too fast, they do well in slower tempo songs.

Ali (8:47pm):  Jermaine was good.  Erin, OK.  I'm back live BTW.  Ready for my girl to nail it.

Tom (8:48pm): He needs to stop belting, his voice cracks.

Tom (8:49pm):  These Jared commercials make me want to drive heave on myself.

Ali (8:49pm):  I was JUST typing that. 

Ali (8:50pm):  In so many words or less.  I mean who is gonna propose on a plane?  Honestly.  Worst idea ever.

Ali (8:51pm):  She is gonna KILL this.

Tom (8:52pm): What if she says no?  Your trip is fucked and that shits non-refundable.  Nobody buys that optional insurance.

Tom (8:53pm):  She's the only one I don't mind tears from, you can tell she's had a rough path.

Tom (8:53pm):  Holy shoulder pads #shitson

Ali (8:54pm): I love her.

Tom (8:55pm):  She performs like it's her last chance, every time.

Ali (8:55pm):  She's the best for me - overall.  Voice, style, stage presence.  Love it.

Tom (8:56pm):  Agreed.  She gets my vote.  And yes I vote, deal with it.

Ali (8:57pm):  Typical Xtina.  When IIIIIII did this song at The Grammy's.  Haha.

Ali (8:59pm):  Overall the song choices sucked tonight.  Aside from Juliet.

Ali (9:00pm):  Kid Cudi tomorrow?  Yes, please.

Tom (9:00pm): Agree on the song choices.  Cyndi Lauper?  What the F is she gonna do?

Ali (9:01pm):  Maybe sing with Javier?  I mean, his claim to fame WAS Time After Time last year.

Tom (9:01pm):  Good call - that's gotta be it.

Tom (9:03pm): Just voted - of my 10 votes: 6 to Juliet, 2 to Katrina and 2 to Erin.

Ali (9:04pm):  I'm gonna use all 10 for Juliet!

Tom (9:05pm):  I used to use my work phone for call in voting.  Sorry, I'm not sorry.

So, this week's highlights:
  • Overall, the song choices were not as up to snuff as they should have been for this stage of the competition (in our opinion). 
    • The quality of singing, however, has really gone to the next level, and that is generating some real excitement as we near the finale.

  • We are both adamantly against in flight proposals.

  • Juliet Simms is the one to beat and #1 in our hearts!

  • Tom has been stealing using minutes via his work telephone to vote.

Be sure to show your support for your favorites - unless your favorite happens to not be Juliet.  In which case, we could do without your votes.  Remember to tune in tonight for the results show to see what the hell Cyndi Lauper is up to these days who will be going on to the finale!