Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday Favorites

It is so funny, I can tell the past couple of weeks have been pretty busy at work, because I am totally slacking a bit on the blog posts!  I went from daily coverage to every other day or so.  I am sorry!  I admit, I have felt pretty guilty about it too.  I guess it is refreshing to know that I am holding myself accountable, right?!  Here's to the start of a great weekend with Friday Favorites:

  • Weddings Receptions - Two of our dear friends are getting hitched this weekend and we are so excited!  The wedding is here in Chicago and the weather is supposed to be beautiful.  Hot, but gorgeous.  We will take it!  I am so very thrilled for them, but I also cannot wait until the reception to take full advantage of the open bar and display my latest and greatest moves on the dance floor!

  • Running - Finally!  I am back into gear...I think.  I started training for the Half this week and I am feeling good.  I have taken a little break from weight training to get back into running mode and so far it has been a success!  Now I need to start sprinkling strength sessions back into the routine...soon enough!

  • "Non-Holiday" Holiday Weekends - I love holiday weekends where you are able to just stay home and relax, having no obligation to travel like Thanksgiving or Christmas.  I realize that sounds horrible and heartless, it was not meant to.  I love my family, but my husband and I are so on the go with work and travel for work, it is nice to be able to sit back and relax every once in awhile!

  • Aloe Vera - Last weekend my husband and I went on a very lengthy bike ride along some trails while we were in St. Louis.  25 miles later, turns out I had not applied the appropriate amount of sunscreen and had sustained a bit of a sunburn on my back and arms.  The worst part?  My hands!  The top of my hands were fried from where I had been gripping the handle bar. 

  • Rescue Me - This was one of my favorite shows a few years back.  I somehow found myself behind a couple of seasons though and it was next up on our Netflix que this week.  I did not realize how much I missed it! 

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