Sunday, May 6, 2012

Weekend Recap

Sorry, everyone.  I failed to post my picks for the Derby prior to heading out to the track yesterday morning. I was running a bit late - oops!  Another year down and another close victory.  This year was the closest we have been yet to hitting it big time.  We picked the top 5 horses, but we needed Bodemeister (2nd place horse) to finish ahead of I'll Have Another (1st place horse) and we would have been filling out our tax forms. Bummer!  I won on some side bets, but there is always next year, right?!

We followed up our "loss" with a fun dinner with friends before we called it a night.  What a long day it was, but so much fun.  I am already planning for next year to make the trip back down to Louisville - we had a great time at Arlington, but nothing beats being a part of the live action at Churchill!  It was a nice "break" this year, I suppose, but we will be ready to rock in 2013.

Lots of relaxing and laundry today to get ready for another week.  I cannot believe it is already May - where has this year gone?  Luckily it is a rainy afternoon, so we do not feel too guilty for bumming around the house and catching up on some TV while we tidy up!

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