The good news is that I actually really enjoy running. The even better news is that I am actually a pretty decent runner - especially long distance. The best news is that I already have a half marathon, quite a few 10 & 15K's and a triathlon under my belt - so I know exactly what I have gotten myself into. The bad news? The bad news is that I have allowed myself to get incredibly out of shape over the winter.
OK, I may be exaggerating a little as to exactly how out of shape I am. I could go out and run 5 miles right now if I had to, but it would not be fun. I somehow managed to get myself into ridiculous shape for a triathlon back in 2010 and that work ethic carried over through our wedding in June last year. After the wedding? Well....after I got used to the relaxation on the honeymoon, lets just say I was not as into working out all the time and I started cutting back. Then winter hit and it was all down hill from there - 5 days a week turned into 3 days a week and here we are....
I dove right into a training program this morning though and now I am ready to rock. I tend to be pretty disciplined when it comes to training for races or events like this. It helps keep my head clear, my stress levels down and it provides an end goal that I push myself to achieve. I suppose I can chalk all of this up to a childhood filled of competitive swimming - endless 2 a day practices, dry land work, etc. Any way you slice it, for whatever reason a focused training regimen always comes naturally for me. I am super competitive too, so that never hurts on race day to keep the adrenaline pumping.
I always like to start the race well behind what my pace group should be (they normally will have pace groups with signs to follow in order to stay on pace to meet certain times), that way no one will pass me and I can work my way up from behind. I did this during my first half marathon and it worked out well. So well, in fact, that I did not even turn on my iPod throughout the entire race! I was so focused on weaving in and out of people that I barely even noticed I had no music until I had practically finished the race.
It is such a great feeling when you are competing like this and you are feeling good. No cramps, no feeling of death, nothing. You have trained properly and are fully prepared to kick ass. I only hope 9 weeks is enough time for me to get back to that place....fingers crossed!
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